Fallout UK Versions


First time out of the vault
Hey, I've always had Fallout 1 & 2, but never a legitimate copy of the latter, so I decided to buy the Fallout Collection. Well I just found out that the collection is a UK import, so all of the games are the UK versions. I remember reading something about the differences between the US and UK versions in one of the games, but I can't find any info on it.

So my question is what are the differences between the UK and US versions of the three games, and did I do a no-no by getting the UK versions rather than US? So far I've only installed Fallout 1, and it is currently running on version 1.2, of which I could find nothing about.
do you see any children in your version? i do remember hearing that at least one type of fallout took out children because it wouldnt hit the shelves because of the fact that every creature was killable, and they found it appalling.