New here but have been browsing this site for I don't know how long so my first post and Im a real die hard fan of fallout! After the first 2 games and tactics which i still play by the way, Im a bit disappointed in what Bethesda is doing with Fallout 3.
Currently Ive been looking into a miniatures game to play and hopefully assemble some figures when i remembered Fallout Warfare and the pnp version online.
I want to currently create or buy some figures that are fallout related and gain more information on playing Fallout Warfare as a table top game. I would like to hopefully get some input from fellow Fallout Fanatics that have played Warfare with their views on the game and what miniatures are available today.
Quick question what scale miniatures are recommended for Fallout Warfare could not seem to find this in the rules or online and does anyone out there play this game so as to network and get more ideas on where I should head from here.
Currently Ive been looking into a miniatures game to play and hopefully assemble some figures when i remembered Fallout Warfare and the pnp version online.
I want to currently create or buy some figures that are fallout related and gain more information on playing Fallout Warfare as a table top game. I would like to hopefully get some input from fellow Fallout Fanatics that have played Warfare with their views on the game and what miniatures are available today.
Quick question what scale miniatures are recommended for Fallout Warfare could not seem to find this in the rules or online and does anyone out there play this game so as to network and get more ideas on where I should head from here.