Fallout Wars Season 1

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Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Here are the locations in Season 1

The Place where Joe and his Dog leave from to find adventure

New Reno
Founded after the Vault Dweller was forced to leave Vault 13

The Hub
Where are the water merchants are.

Raiders Camp
Where the raiders hang out.

Vault 13
A secret underground Vault. Following the adventures of the chosen one, Wastelanders decided to rebuild Vault 13 and live in it to this day.

Shady Sands
Ancesters of Residents from Vault 12

Ion Town
This was one the Super Mutant base of operations, when the base was destroyed, Wastelanders decided to build homes there.

DeadHook City
This City was built after the survivours from the Masters army needed a new base.

Vault 12
A secret Underground Vault. The Brotherhood of steel now has operations based here.

Brotherhood of steel base
The base of operations of the Brotherhood of steel.

The following is a list of the diifernt factions

Brotherhood of steel
Based in: Brotherhood of steel base, Vault 12

New Californa Republic
Based in Boneyard

Based in Raiders Camp

Group of the Elite*
Based in Vault 13

The Enclave
Based around the Wasteland

* a fan made faction, it features those who believe that the Super Mutants are the next species. Plans on wipeing the mutants out before they cause any real danger.

There will be a new chapter every week!!!
Your knowledge of canon is worse than bethesda's. Shady sands came from vault 15. New Reno was a city way before VD. The BoS are based in Lost Hills Bunker and are not in Vault 12. The super mutants were destroyed as an effective fighting force, living in peace with humans and even the charming devils that are the brotherhood, so how can they be a threat. The NCR is not based in the boneyard, they're based in Shady sands or NCR as its now known. If I see one more retarded thing in this post, I swear I'm going to kill myself

*Sees Enclaves Description*


*Shoots Himself*
Sorry, not too good on the back story of Fallout, only got the originals a few weeks ago.
Before you start this you will want to actually do research on the cannon of fallout on the vault wikki, just use the search function on there do like five minuets of reading and using your knowledge processing unit, and you would already know that this makes no sense sorry to get down on you for it, but if you would be so kind as to do research on the matter I would be most grateful, until you change this I will keep myself from joining your game.
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