Something that just does not want to leave my mind - making a Wasteland port to Fallout.
It would be a very large project, not for a single person, as it would require much tweaking - Fallout does not support skills like Climb or Swim, so it would require much of a workaround with current skills and map redesign.
Also, the background stories for each location would have to be compiled and integrted woth dialogues, descriptions etc.
My list:
Ranger Center - Requires map, critters (possibly use existing Combat Armor critters), scripting, scenery for a prison (Vault/SAD design?)
Highpool - no extras needed, use existing resources. Vault City tile set and red brick scenery.
Ag. Center - ditto, possible exceptions are the satellite tracking dish.
Rail Nomads - needs overhaul, new art for train and tents.
Quartz - Hub sceneryset, little to no new art required.
Needles - design for the abandoned silo, Temple of Blood, redesign underground lake, create art for the Artillery Piece and M3 RATT, Regan All Terrain Tank, Mushroom Cloud Temple interior.
Las Vegas - Hub/Boneyard scenery and tileset, art for Max, robots etc., Temple of Mushroom Cloud - Vault tileset, need design for Scorpitron and robots.
Junkyard Village - all existing art can be used, including Geckos, requires radical rewriting
Darwin Village - NCR tile/scenery set, can use existing art.
Sleeper One - ruined base, enable rebuiling if scripts permit, Brotherhood scenery/tileset, require new art for morgue and all map
Project Darwin - clean, Vault interiors - backstory? Requires new art for the landscape and Finster's mind-maze, IJ Finster himself and his Leviathan variant.
Guardian Citadel - (my fav), use three different sets for each part of the Citadel, use existing Brotherhood critter and decor, requires new art for the chopper and Toaster repair table;
Sleeper Two/Base Cochise - Enclave set, need art for outer installation and challenge rooms, as well as the final level - mainly the conveyor belt room.
Creating new art for weapons and equipment:
Some of my idea's
Just a loose end post, to check if there might be any interest.
It would be a very large project, not for a single person, as it would require much tweaking - Fallout does not support skills like Climb or Swim, so it would require much of a workaround with current skills and map redesign.
Also, the background stories for each location would have to be compiled and integrted woth dialogues, descriptions etc.
My list:
Ranger Center - Requires map, critters (possibly use existing Combat Armor critters), scripting, scenery for a prison (Vault/SAD design?)
Highpool - no extras needed, use existing resources. Vault City tile set and red brick scenery.
Ag. Center - ditto, possible exceptions are the satellite tracking dish.
Rail Nomads - needs overhaul, new art for train and tents.
Quartz - Hub sceneryset, little to no new art required.
Needles - design for the abandoned silo, Temple of Blood, redesign underground lake, create art for the Artillery Piece and M3 RATT, Regan All Terrain Tank, Mushroom Cloud Temple interior.
Las Vegas - Hub/Boneyard scenery and tileset, art for Max, robots etc., Temple of Mushroom Cloud - Vault tileset, need design for Scorpitron and robots.
Junkyard Village - all existing art can be used, including Geckos, requires radical rewriting
Darwin Village - NCR tile/scenery set, can use existing art.
Sleeper One - ruined base, enable rebuiling if scripts permit, Brotherhood scenery/tileset, require new art for morgue and all map
Project Darwin - clean, Vault interiors - backstory? Requires new art for the landscape and Finster's mind-maze, IJ Finster himself and his Leviathan variant.
Guardian Citadel - (my fav), use three different sets for each part of the Citadel, use existing Brotherhood critter and decor, requires new art for the chopper and Toaster repair table;
Sleeper Two/Base Cochise - Enclave set, need art for outer installation and challenge rooms, as well as the final level - mainly the conveyor belt room.
Creating new art for weapons and equipment:
Some of my idea's
Just a loose end post, to check if there might be any interest.