Fallout Weapons Questions


Still Mildly Glowing
1. I am pretty sure the combat shotgun is a small gun, but how do we know? Is there an ingame screen that mentions what guns are Large and what are Small?

2. If your are not strong enough to wield a weapon properly, what does it effect? Chance to hit, damage or both? If I have 2 str, but 150% small guns, will I still do fine?

3. In Fallout one Ian says he is "good" with SMGs. Is that true? Or is he really just good with small guns and could easily use a combat shotgun or sniper rifle? Same with Tycho, can he use a sniper rifle?

4. Is it ever a good idea to hit people anywhere but the eyes, head, and in some cases arms (to stop miniguns ect...)?
1. "Small guns" refers to everything that isn't a erally big weapon, such as a rocket launcher or a minigun.

2. If you're not strong enough, you can't wield the weapon. With a 2 STR, don't expect to be able to use anything besides a pellet gun, let aside a shotgun.

3. Teh trollzors.

4. It's "etc."
Wooz, you're obviously drunk. Get out.

Let's get the answers -

1. There's no such screen, however, it can be assumes that weapons that do not use Big Gun animations (Flamer's, Miniguns' nor RL) are Small Guns.

Besides, you can easily check - Make a Big Gun oriented character, and try to fire a Shotgun... Should be MUCH harder that nitting with a Minigun.

2. I think you'll do fine, then. I remember you suffer a penalty, but it can be compensated with a high skill; I don't know if it affects the skill or the chance to hit directly, nor do I know if it relies on your Strength vs requirement discrepancy.

Wooz was doing too much pot and confuses the gme with Fallout Tactics, which indeed prohibits use of weapons with reqs above your ST.

3. Ian's skill is Small Guns, so he should be equally effective with SMG's as with Shotguns; However, he can't equip the latter, as his model lacks the animation frames neccessary.

4. I don't really get your drift, but - If you're going for aimed shots, shooting enemies in the eyes is a good idea - it might kill tem instantly or blind them and make them flee. Shooting legs isn't very good if your enemy has a gun, but shooting arms can prove useful, if you can cripple them. Nevertheless, if you're good with shooting, and want to sacrifice this extra AP aiming, you might as well try the eyes.

Also, please rename the thread a bit; Questions are about weaponry, not universe; Universe questions (e.g. "What the hell are Deathclaws, anyway?" would go into the General Fallout Discussion Forum.
IIRC, the penalty for having 1 lower point of Strength than the Strength requirement is a -20% to your weapon skill.

This 20% is then multiplied as your Strength gets more lower than the Strength requirement.
I thought so, Unkillable Cat, but didn't want to post information I was uncertain of, thanks!
Very helpful thanks. So if I make a 2 str gun slinger, I can still get all 95% easily, and not suffer a damage penalty. Thats good to know.

So while I am at it. What animations DOES Ian have? Pistol, SMG, knife? Is that it? Also since shotgun and sniper have the same animation, Tycho can you either yeah? What can Katja use?
My Fo1 guide has all the info on what weapon types they can use and what skills they have.

You can probably check weapon types in FIME and/or the official mapper, but you don't really have to as they all match the animations used. They're the same for Fo1 and Fo2. (It's in my guide as well.)
Twelve Motion said:
So while I am at it. What animations DOES Ian have? Pistol, SMG, knife?

Pistol, SMG, knife hence, Ripper), possibly blunt weapons, but I'm not sure (Crowbar, Baton.) Any character ought to be able to use Power Fists, since they don't require a custom animation. The best weapon Ian could use would be a Plasma Pistol, I think, but he'd suck with his Energy Weapons skill.

I figure you can settle for a Desert Eagle or the unique .233 gun from Irwin.

Twelve Motion said:
Also since shotgun and sniper have the same animation, Tycho can you either yeah?

Yes. Usually I let Tycho run around with either a Combat Shotgun or a Sniper Rifle.

Twelve Motion said:
What can Katja use?

I think she only has knife-type, an SMG-type animations, so I'd recommend giving her the .233 Pistol . Plasma Grenades would work, too.
Per said:
My Fo1 guide has all the info on what weapon types they can use and what skills they have.

You can probably check weapon types in FIME and/or the official mapper, but you don't really have to as they all match the animations used. They're the same for Fo1 and Fo2. (It's in my guide as well.)

I thought some weapons in FO2 had a discrepancy with type Vs. animation frames... or was that SMG Vs. Rifle, not big Vs. small... Because I know the H&K G series are assault rifle and the Thompson Submachine guns is, well, a submachine gun.... (And even designed to be one-handed, although I can't imagine many people fired it that way!)