Fallout Web Novel


First time out of the vault
So, I've had this idea for a while to do a sort of web novel. Like put out sections of story every week or every couple of weeks on a blog type website. I have a basic idea of where I want to go with it and I'd like to know if anyone's interested in coming in on it to help. I work better at stuff like this with at least one other person.

Anyway, here's a rough idea:

Two main characters in a vault, both male. They are pretty much best friends. One is hell bent on wanting to know about life outside the vault and the other is the sort of tag along. Science is their religion and radiation is their hell. I'd like the story is set in Hampton Roads, VA, which is where I'm from. I'm not sure if I want the vault to be a control or one of the experiments. But in any case, pretty much the first chapter will start out with them taking the GOAT, the MC not liking his career choice and devising a way out. The other guy will of course try and talk him out of it, but they'll go anyways.

The MC will meet a girl in the first town they come to and develop feelings for her. Later on, raiders will attack the city and kidnap her, who'll take her up to a slaver town. Most of the story will revolve around the two friends travels to rescue the girl.

So anyway, I'd like this story to go really dark where there is no white or black areas of morality, but constantly, the characters are forced to make decisions that the reader may or may not agree with to survive.

You can either PM me or reply to this thread if you're interested. Think of this like a co-op RP where we edit before we post it.