Fallout1 Black Screen problem


First time out of the vault
I've been playing fallout for years but i finally made the move from win98 to xp... and now half my damn games don't work @_@ stupid microsoft. Anyway it seems alot of people are able to run fallout on XP so i was wondering if anyone had any advice for this problem. I searched the forum for similar topics but i only found one and there were no replies to it :/ Even so I'm hoping someone has an idea on whats wrong.

Basically I can start up the game and create a character fine, but once im in the rat cave outside V13 the screen just randomly goes black. I can "paint" the game back on my dragging the cursor around and the screen goes back to normal but only when i refresh the screen somehow, by moving the curser clicking on the menu or opening up the options page or something. It doesn't always happen at the same time but it does always happen before i get much past the second rat. I tried opening the options page to fix it then carrying on but it just keeps on happening and is far to frequent to ignore.

Heres my system:

Athlon XP 2400
NVidea GeforceFX 5900XT
Windows XP Home Edition
Direct X 9.0b
768 MB Ram

I run in 1152*864 res and 32 bit colour but i have tried switching to 800*600 16 bit colour as recommended in some threads here.

I am also using compatibility mode, i've tried using windows 95 and 98 mode and switched on or off all the various little options on that menu too.

I'm running an unpatched/unaltered "huge" installation of fallout 1.2 UK version.

I think that's all the info but let me know if i forgot anything.

I'd be very grateful for any help as i would love to play this game again... without having to do a dual boot or something complicated that i'd probably screw up.
i run the game under xp home on a P4 2.6ghz with a 9800pro @ 1024*768 @ 32bit color. i sometimes have the same problem when i play the game for a long time. however it only happens once in a while after loading a map, so it isnt a problem for me. i just move the screen a bit, recenter and it's fixed.

i'm not running ANY compability mode btw.

you might wanna get the latest patch (although that probably wont fix the bug you have, but it should fix a lot of others) and try it without any special settings...
That used to happen to me sometimes, you said you could drag the cursor around to make the black go away, what you shoud do is keep up a internet explorer in the back so when it goes black you can just press alt-tab.
hmz any program would be better than internet explorer imo


but yeah, that would mean your screen has to be redrawn
Just click on the menu button when you find it, then return to the game. Works for me at least.
I prefer Ctrl+Esc in Windows. Always brings me back to the desktop without having anything run in the background.

Heck, who uses MSIE anyway?
::someone yells "90% of the market"::
That was a rhetorical question, you maggot.
i know this will sound strange but i had that problem too and it never happened when i let the intro run for a while.

just let the "maybe part" of the intro run till its over and then press esc to get to the menu.