[Fallout1, RESOLVED] Restoring slideshow endings?


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Restoring the Followers Of The Apocalypse "good" ending for Fallout 1 will be relatively easy as it only checks 1 global variable. The checks are in the code, I just have to get the game to set that variable. I found this just by going through all the Followers-related global variables, seeing what scripts could set them to, and setting them to those values, then running the slideshow.

However, I've played around with several global variables and I can't seem to get the "good" ending to The Hub to work.

If you know how to reverse engineering or read Assembly, I think perhaps this actually shouldn't be a very hard problem because we already know locations of some endings' calculations -- this is because of the Fallout1 Restoration Project, that restored a couple mutant invasion endings via edits to FalloutW.exe

In theory we should just need to check what variables it reads. (i.e. no actual change to the checks, just finding them)

Fallout1 unused ending said:
With your assistance, Old Harold brings the ghoul population of the Hub into equality with the humans. The two sides work together, and the Hub prospers. Old Harold is still alive, as far as anyone knows.
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Wasn't this what I showed you before?

@ Sduibek

I just saw in another thread about bugged good endings.
I quickly looked at it and saw that it's not bugged but unavailable because of cut content. Is this something you already have or have planned to implement?

The good ending for the Followers of the Apocalypse:
1:The Followers of the Apocalypse rise to become a major influence in New California.
2:With your help, they gain control of the LA Boneyard.
To get this ending you need to train Neil and followers in combat skills, or set "Gvar132:Train_followers" to 1.
There seem to be plenty of followers material to restore. Most or all of the text seems to be there, not as lucky with the scripts though.

Bad ending:
The mutant armies, led into battle by the fierce Super Mutants, destroy the Followers of the Apocalypse. Barely human carrion feeders pick over the Followers' remains.
Set "Gvar7:Followers_Invaded" to 1.
Not sure what the trigger is.

The good ending for the Hub:
1:With your assistance, Old Harold brings the ghoul population of the Hub into equality with the humans.
2:The two sides work together, and the Hub prospers.
3:Old Harold is still alive, as far as anyone knows.
Set "Gvar606:Kind_to_Harold" to 1 for this to happen.
There is nothing in his dialog or script that hints at what being "kind to Harold" means. Sure, you can give him some money, but that doesn't sound like enough. Based on what the ending says I would expect you to assist him in some way. Any idea what it was meant to be?

Bad ending for Junktown:
The mutants are slowed, but not stopped, by the brave defenders of Junktown. When the army finishes their brutal siege, nothing of Junktown remains.
Set "Gvar15:Junktown-Invaded" to 1.
Not sure of trigger.

Brotherhood bad ending:
The Brotherhood of Steel repels the first wave of a mutant invasion, but a traitor in their midst causes the Citadel to fall. Fortunately, the advanced technology is mastered slowly by the mutants, and they were unable to use it against you.
Didn't find what Gvar gives you this. Maybe some other setting i had was blocking it?
You are amazing and I'm dumb, as usual :notworthy: EDIT: Aha, from the Status Updates thread: http://www.nma-fallout.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1003413#1003413

Thank you very much. It seems I'm particularly bad at remembering the stuff you send me, I don't know what the heck is up with that. :( Your help is always greatly appreciated.

btw what all Fallout things do you work with? Is it just my and killap's projects? And how did you find the above values/alogrithms anyway?

Followers bad, Junktown bad, Brotherhood bad - functional.

Followers good - working on implementing it. Won't be hard.

The Hub good - Indeed it works after setting GVAR606 to 1, but The Hub's good ending is strange, because there really isn't a "ghoul population" in that town. I think Harold is the only one. So I don't know if that means there were more planned at one point or what :confused::confused:
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No worries :)

I found the them mostly by reading the Gvars and testing the ones sounding interesting. I did check the scripts too ofc, but mostly good old trial and error.

Yeah, the good Hub ending does sound strange if there's no ghouls there. I honestly can't remember everything about Fallout 1, so I didn't react when I read that. Is there no clues in any text files/scripts or anything?

By the way, I don't really work on any Fallout project, been way too busy lately.
It's even weirder considering the picture shows Bob from Bob's Iguana Bits ...

Anyway not sure, I'll have to check the dialog files. Hopefully I can find something, because I'd really like The Hub to actually have a good ending available.
Hello, i have been looking for the smart modder that would come and fix those endings. I am especially interested in Followers of apocalypse and the hub endings, and wanted to know if they are to be soon in your mod.

I look forward to seeing those endings, maybe then i will upload followers of apocalypse ending on youtube.
Hello, i have been looking for the smart modder that would come and fix those endings. I am especially interested in Followers of apocalypse and the hub endings, and wanted to know if they are to be soon in your mod.

I look forward to seeing those endings, maybe then i will upload followers of apocalypse ending on youtube.


Yes I plan on restoring them soon. Maybe not with the coming release but definitely within the next two releases. I did not originally realize they could be restored through script, I thought it would require changing of the exe. Once I've restored those two endings, and since I'm using TeamX exe that restored a few other "bad" endings, it means all original endings will be functional :)
Thikig about it i dont remember having seen lots of ghouls in the hub, (except Harold himself). My guess would be that the ending of the deathclaw attacks on Brahmines make trading better, allowing better relationships between people as a whole.

Getting rid of Decker mafia boss must also help the city to be better, and all this may help people to be peaceful.
@hokutonoken, Good suggestions, thank you!

@Darek, did you ever take a look at the other unused endings? There's at least one ending for killing the Overseer / invading Vault 13. My mod aims to eventually restore gameplay after "bad" endings, so being able to restore these would be cool.

NAR_9 said:
1:It is done.
2:Vault Thirteen belongs to the Unity and the Master.
3:Your knowledge of the Vault defenses saved many mutant lives during the attack.
4:You personally made the final kill when you took the life of the Overseer.
5:You will certainly become one of the finest soldiers for the Unity, and your skills will see you rewarded often in the future.
6:You are happy.
7:But there remains the tiniest doubt of what could have been...
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Hope I'm not too late Sduibek but during one of my weblurking sessions i've found something wich could help with most of the Falloutw.exe/Fallout2.exe related issues it's an .exe decompiler that decompiles to program to C like code instead of assembler code.. anyways if You're interested in looking this up than check out over HERE
Nope, never seen that before. Sounds interesting though. :)

Wanna go all detective on it? You know you want to. :wiggle:

EDIT: Hmm, searching for Master, Unity, Traitor, Vault13, Vault_13, Dip didn't give any obvious-applicable results.

EDIT2: Well I can just copy over the sound file and play it manually. No cool corresponding slideshow, but it'll still be nice to get that message when getting dipped.
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I am not sure there is a file about it, but junkyard also had a censored ending where it was better to help Gizmo than Gillian, because Gizmo made the city wealthy.(dropped by marketting department)
@Darek Okay so, next release of FIXT has the ending restored that I mentioned above, if getting dipped. There's no cutscene or slideshow entry for that, so the screen just stays black while the audio plays. I think it's still a pretty cool addition though.

Which means they're all restored now. Booyah!


I am not sure there is a file about it, but junkyard also had a censored ending where it was better to help Gizmo than Gillian, because Gizmo made the city wealthy.(dropped by marketting department)

You are correct and the original endings for Junktown were more morally ambiguous, but I don't think the narration exists for those any more :( We could change the text but without Ron Perlman it just ain't the same.
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@Darek Okay so, next release of FIXT has the ending restored that I mentioned above, if getting dipped. There's no cutscene or slideshow entry for that, so the screen just stays black while the audio plays. I think it's still a pretty cool addition though.

Maybe one of the photoshop wizards could make a custom slideshow for it.
@Darek Okay so, next release of FIXT has the ending restored that I mentioned above, if getting dipped. There's no cutscene or slideshow entry for that, so the screen just stays black while the audio plays. I think it's still a pretty cool addition though.

Maybe one of the photoshop wizards could make a custom slideshow for it.

Hmmm... true enough, but that wouldn't help until move to the new engine because there's no way to add new slides without editing the executable.
I think he meant that paying Harold helped getting location of the death claw, and thus save trading in the city(and the city itself)

@Suibek: do you know why someone stated lowering sound acceleration could fix the hub ending in the original game?


I found no other source and have no idea about this: a people used a mod and had this bug, or ist just a hoax?
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