Fallout2 bug/problem: towns/map do reset


First time out of the vault
I recently noticed that the towns I already visited
were all reseted to a state before I did anything there.

I first noticed it after I did some exploring in Gecko.
After returning to VaultCity I noticed that all doors
were closed, the shopkeeper had everything again
what I already bought and the all the quests were
there again too. :?:

So I tried an older Savegame of my first visit in VaultCity
and traveled back to the Den and noticed the reset again :x

A much older Savegame showed the same in Klamath....

Some short tests with a savegame after the temple,
which envolved traveling to / and to some altering
the towns didn't result in resets.

Game Info: fresh install, official patch 1.02 US, no mods.
deinstalled/deleted the game several times already
without results.

Frankly, I don't know what to do now. :(

Help. Please.
I've got exactly the same Problem, using killap's patch at the moment. Never seen this problem with the official patch 1.02

The Resets occure randomly, most times only one part of a town.
It's not like your quests have been reset.

No shit someone is going to close a door, you're letting the flies in if you don't. And stores restock, they get shipments because they have to make profits, they can't just have a set amount and that's it, that's not how shops work.
Well, i've still got a second Cassidy standing in VC while the one i took with me is hanging around in New Reno.

Attack of the Clones?