Fallout2.de.vu Logo contest

  • Thread starter Thread starter Glowbewohner
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[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-07-02 AT 11:55AM (GMT)[p]hi,
I'm searching for a new logo for my page www.fallout2.de.vu ! If you can paint realy good, you can send me a logo for my page! You can win a german Fallout 1 cd! I knew it's not the best, but i have not any other price! i hope you can read my terrible english post! see you !

send the logo to rs_glowbewohner@hotmail.com

++**~~greetings from the german VAULT~~**++

Oh, those pipboy images looks ripped from NMA..

[link:www.nma-fallout.com|No Mutants Allowed]
No no no! I dont think so! These Pipboy I have copy from the Installationmenue of Fallout Tactics! I knew NMA not so long! We are all friends of fallout! we would never ripped any dates!

*radioactive kiss*

---german vault----
No sweat, I was just teasing...

I can post this on NMA if you want..

[link:www.nma-fallout.com|No Mutants Allowed]
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-09-02 AT 05:45PM (GMT)[p]yipiee.... yes of course!
thank you thats a great action of you! my little friend!
:D :7

thank you! *kissleftkissright*
I have write two comments! please look at these!

***+++The German Vault+++***