

First time out of the vault
alright i have gotten to the point where i need a bit of help to get passed a few quests and was wondering if there was a workable trainer out there with the latest patch.
Yes, there are a few, and they all reside in our files section. A bit odd that you thought of registering and asking on the forums before looking at the files section, or searching around this forum, don't you think?
i did look there however i have problems downloading for the directed site it doesnt go any where when i hit download.
Searching for download problems would've given you some decent results as to how to fix it, disable download accelerators, clear your cache, try different browsers.
yeah i just did that and i was about to download a trainer only its for 1.5 :-( and i am using the 1.02 version.
There are also trainers out there that don't require that version, like FALCHE and Fallout Inventory Editor. But hey, you could've found that out by looking at the files, which you didn't do. Try to find out something for yourself next time instead of running to us at the first sign of trouble.