Fallout3 patch problems, any one of you can help!!


First time out of the vault
My patch won't install, keeps saying file exist, but contents are different. (what file? what contents?)

It seems @ nexus comments im not the only one.

Could someone upload the patched Fallout3.exe please?
Got this message too, I realised, that there is an Austrian German patch, and an German German patch.

The German patch didn't work with my Austrian German version. ;)
I think it's because I renamed the exe to oblivion.exe and messed up the entire gamez4winblowz authentication
oihrebwe said:
why did you rename it oblivion.exe, some kind of graphics driver thing?
Yeah I noticed an FPS increase ~5 fps when I did that.

i of course tried renaming it back, but that probably messed up the CRC