Fallout3 ideas


Vault Senior Citizen
Ok guys, nice to meet you all. Here are my F3 ideas. I have already posted them on the BIS boards, but i quite like them so ill stick em on here aswell.
Here are my ideas on non combat boys.

I hope in F3 every confrontation will be avoidable, using the speach skill. Now i know what your thinking, "Shadys crazy, he wants to play a violent gun toting game without touching a weapon!". Well just think about it, you could use the speach skill to intmidate enemies. Convince raiders that you are one of them. Barter your way out of fights with money and chems. It would also be cool if you had options like flexing your muscles if you have a good strength skill, or pointing your gun (that you have no idea how to use) at your enemy. This could scare them off, and would be helpful for us science/medi/trader/whatever boys. NMA forum extra: On the BIS boards people pointed out that you cant talk to rad scorpions rats etc. But they didnt notice the thing about big guns and big muscles :D

Ill add more when my damn net speeds up, later guys.
Yeh but im more on the lines of this.

EG: The farrels garden quest. Instead of killing the stuff, go down to the modoc buthers and buy a hunk of brahmin flesh. Then start a bonfire in Farrels garden to scare away the vermin. Go to farrel and show him the flesh, as proof you killed em, and get the xp.

This would also make a use for radscorpian limbs, tails etc.
I'm sure there will be something along those lines, but if you want complex quests that have unusual solutions like that then it would take the programmers 100 years to make the game. Remember, a computer has to be programmed for every contingency--it's not like a human being who can adapt and think of an answer to every idea you come up with.
Yeh but if you have high outdoorsman or something, then maybie you can do this kinda thing on certian quests picked out by the dev team.