Fan fiction rework of FO3 story-Strange lore and even stranger events.


First time out of the vault
Hello fellow Wastelanders! I recently found my old gamer stash and i found my USB stick, which contains a fan fiction story i wrote after finishing FO3(i was so frustrated with the game so i rewrote it, well what can i say i was 22 and angry). Before i forgot about this (crap) story i wanted to share it with someone. Let me know your thoughts, i will just post introduction part of the story, if anyone will be interested i will post chapter 1(with side quests). I hope someone enjoys it. Please dont hold back your criticism! Thanks in advance!

Fallout- No Pip Boy Edition (also known as sorry for my bad English edition)- a fan story based on reworked FO3 story

Location: Capital Wasteland, DC. Date: October 13, 2211

Starting Location: Vault XN-591.

History of Vault XN-591

Vault XN-591 is a refurbished US military listening bunker. In 2075, US government commissions Vault-Tec to refurbish Listening Post Eagle as unique Vault Bunker to house key mid-level military and government personnel. At the same time, RobCo is commissioned to build an unique AI computer for the Vault. In 2076 Vault-Tec successfully converts the listening post to a Vault. Vault XN-591 is capable of surviving on its own for next 400 years. Same year RobCo delivers “Aeneas” The Pathfinder AI. Vault is sealed in October 23 2077; senior computer engineer Kirill Burov initiates Pathfinder directive. Due to previous function of the Vault, Vault is equipped with military grade communications systems which is critical to Aeneas’s mission directive.

Official Vault mission: Assisting reconstruction process in DC with multiple GECKs after Aeneas completes its main mission directive.

Pentagon Incident

In year 2197, Aeneas realizes that his mission directive is in danger as a last-ditch effort tricks vault residents into venturing into Wasteland earlier than planned. (Aeneas records 3 critical transmissions which causes an error with its programming, these transmissions are: Maxon’s Rebellion, Calculator Distress Signal, (Midwest BoS) Zeppelin Crash Distress Signal). In year 2197 Aeneas announces that US Government manage to contact the Vault after 120 years of silence. Aeneas informs vault residents that reconstruction process is ready to begin, hence Vault should send a delegation to Pentagon Bunker. In secret, he assigns different missions to delegation members by imitating President Eden’s voice. (Certain vault residents are tasked with sabotaging critical infrastructure outside of the Vault). Although these sabotages are successful, Vault loses communications with the delegation party. Overseer and residents’ council disconnect Aeneas from its mainframe and seal Vaults door shut vowing to never open again. Delegation members are presumed dead.

2211- Start date of the game.

Location: Vault Interior, Floor: -2, Cafeteria, Date: September 18, 2211 Vault Population: 21 Vault Citizens and Aeneas the Pathfinder AI

Key characters:

Timmy the birthday boy

Janette Burova, Chief Maintenance Technician

Dr. Henderson, Chief of Medical Personnel

Arthur Kyle, Chief Agriculture Engineer.

Overseer Edward Sanders

Game opens with birthday celebration. Player character is one of adult attendees of the party. Player can freely roam birthday party area and interact with other NPCs. Dialogue information here is mostly trivial and historical. After player interacts with Janetta, Janetta receives an emergency message on her pipboy and leaves the party. Players can initiate next phase by wishing Timmy a happy birthday (or other dialogue options like telling him birthdays are stupid and who would celebrate getting older).

[Partial dialogue with Timmy- “You know what is not fun Tim? Getting old. Before you know, reality hits you. You can’t go around playing with your friends or your toys, older people will start barking orders at you. You will slave yourself to “us” for next few years and I am going to enjoy it, anyway happy birthday kiddo!” Timmy starts crying]

Just before little Timmy blows his candles on his cake, 6 heavily armed men enter the cafeteria party zone. Armed assailants are equipped with pre-war recon armor, masks and various weapons. Leader of assailants declares that they breached Vault gates and eliminated all security personnel (4 people) in upper level. He threatens vault citizens. Assailants demand cooperation, otherwise no one will survive.

[“We can do this the hard way or the fun way and I hope you choose poorly! (smashes closest vault residents face on the bar)” -Assailant leader].

Assailants demand Janette and Dr. Henderson are to be immediately handed to them. Both NPCs are not present in current location, player with speech (>35) can appeal to assailants by assisting with their search (first critical game choice, will affect future dialogue and certain NPCs). Assailants collect all pipboys from vault citizens during this scene. If player doesn’t want to cooperate or insult assailants, during pipboy collection scene, Overseer panics and tries to flee, giving player chance to get out of sight. Gun shots can be heard. Next area is designed as a tutorial zone where player will get familiar with skills like, lockpick, science, repair.

Side lore note: Armed assailants are clad in Advanced Recon Armor Mk4. This pre-war armor was commissioned by Pentagon for advanced nuclear war scenarios. Armor is fully pressurized and requires oxygen supply to work. Provides enhanced perception and agility for soldiers. Helmet is equipped with Cyclops Mk2 googles, which provides enhanced sights, night vision and immunity to flashbang like grenades. Armor was produced in limited numbers and due to its price tag, project was abandoned by Pentagon. Armor has seen combat during Resource Wars, only handful special operations officers have seen inside of this armor.

Cooperation option:

Player will be accompanied by an armed assailant during this stage. Player will have 15 minutes to find Janette and Dr. Henderson. Otherwise, vault residents will be killed.

[Partial dialogue with armed assailant- “Move it kid! If you want to see your friends alive, don’t waste my time! No funny business either, if you want leave here alive don’t you dare to dream about it even!”]

Janette can be found in mainframe room where Aeneas is also located. (To reach Jannete player will have to lock pick a door and hack a computer, for tutorial purposes). When player encounters Janette in mainframe room, she is trying to restart Aeneas to access Vault main door controls.

[Partial dialogue with Janette- “I thought, if I could restart Aeneas, we could trap those bastards inside our Vault. You know, a better deal perhaps, we would let them go and they would leave us alone. But that’s Aeneas for you! Only works when he is not needed!]

After quick exchange of words, Janette complies with assailant’s order. Trio heads for medical examination zone, where Dr. Henderson is located. Dr. Henderson sealed himself inside and refuses to come out.

[Partial dialogue with Henderson- “You all can fuck off! I am not leaving. Janette! Have you lost your god damn mind? Why do you care for bunch of mindless vaulters? Our project is far more important than handful of slimes!]

After brief exchange of word (or shouting match in this case) player has 2 choices. Player can ask help from Janette or crawl through ventilation system (requires repair) and enter Henderson’s office.

If player chooses to go through vents, player AGI<8 will get ambushed by Henderson, Henderson will knock out player with a fire extinguisher. Player AGI>8 can dodge his attack and slap him around little bit before unlocking the door.

If player asks Janette’s help, Janette will short-circuit the door lock, Henderson will attack armed assailant instead. This option will branch into 2 options, help or calm down the situation(speech). Regardless of players choice armed assailant will lose his temper and drop a gas grenade, knocking out the player.

Refusing Cooperation:

Basically, the same scenario. But it will be harder to move around without proper skill set because couple of assailants will be patrolling the area. Difference is mostly story wise, when we encounter Janette this time, we can restart Aeneas. He won’t be able to shut the door. (Perception and Intelligence check and we can shut the door and skip the entire area; Janette bargain plan will be in effect). If player can’t shut the outer Vault door, we will need to find Dr. Henderson and acquire his verification code. At this point we will be ambushed by 2 assailants and scene is same as cooperation choice.

[Partial dialogue with Aeneas after successful checks- “If you care that much about Janette, just find a way to shut the door Aeneas. Diagnosis systems don’t show any problems, this is not the time to play games, everyone’s life is on the line”]

If player manages to shut the door:

Janette will access the VA system and invite assailants for a parley. Leader of the assailants agrees. In next scene we will meet up with assailants and Janette will lay her terms. Leader of the assailants will invite Janette to watch security cameras in return. When we arrive in security room, we will see that door is open again. Cafeteria cam will vault residents, guns pushed behind their head. Janette will resist and get shot in the process. Leader will lay down his terms to the player. If player agrees, game will proceed to next stage. If we refuse, we will reach games first ending.

I wrote this sequence as an impossible situation. Players should understand seriousness of the situation. Players should get accustomed to how powerful individuals behave and how unimportant their existence to them. I hope this will fuel some kind of emotional response from players.

This section concludes tutorial and introduction. All choices in this section will effect future dialogue, quests and endings.

Chapter 1: Exodus

Location: Vault Cafeteria Date: September 18 2211, few hours later.
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