Fan made Fallout host change


Carbon Dated and Proud
DarkUnderlord informed me that his fan made Fallout project has changed hosts, here's what tha man said:<blockquote>This is just a note to anyone who's been looking for the Fan Made Fallout project at our old spot on the web. Due to that host going kaput, we've scrounged up some new hosting of our own. You can now find the project at:

We've only just got the place up and running so there might be one or two minor problems that you may encounter if you visit. The DNS should have propogated it's merry way through the interberry by now (it's had the last week to do so) but some places may still not be able to access the site yet. If this is a problem for you, just keep trying and it should work some-time within the next week.</blockquote>m' when's some screenshots coming?
Odin said:
m' when's some screenshots coming?
We have screenshots! Just check out the unlimited potential of this map!

Big_T_UK said:
Then he might want to change the link in his sig. It still points to the old one.
Forgot about the link in my sig. It's fixed now. It also means there may be other links floating about the place still pointing to the old host. I'll have to fix them as I find them.
DarkUnderlord said:
Forgot about the link in my sig. It's fixed now. It also means there may be other links floating about the place still pointing to the old host. I'll have to fix them as I find them.
There's also one on the "News" page of the new site.
[url said:[/url]]But if you thought that's because no-one is actually doing any work on the Fan Made Fallout Project, then you'd be thinking wrong!