Fan Made Fallout Update


Night Watchman
Staff member
This does come with a weekly delay, but DarkUnderlord has dropped by to direct our attention to the update of the Fan Made Fallout mod project.<blockquote>Now, what's a news posts without something to show? We've had a few new team members join of late and some of those have been artists. They're helping us create our talking heads, extra inventory items, town splash screens, World Map, Movies and... Nope, I think that's about it for the art assets we need. Anyway, the images sprinkled thoughout this post are from a collection of concept images which I've now added to our gallery. There's one more in the gallery that's not included here, so be sure to take a look.</blockquote>Now, they're also looking for new members, so please do consider applying. That is, if you're funky enough. ;)

What mean the xxx cansored pics, its part of project or some kind of joke?
Lich said:
What mean the xxx cansored pics, its part of project or some kind of joke?
It's part of the project. You'll find most True Fallout Fans™ name the pr0n studio in New Reno as their favouritest evAr area. So we decided to include more porn in the game because fans like it.

Now, do the Japanese women appeal to you? We do have more European women in-game if that concerns you. We've tried to cater for a range of different tastes and varieties. You know, full bush, no bush, all of that.
Am not sure about that Trully Fallout Fans from begining game just hurry to New Reno city and visit Cats Paw or something. When its true, try build big xxx shop instead of temple of trails.

Of course i was sometime curious how can be modified Cats Paw and the studio but personally i mostly like in game abandoned places like Sierra Amry or Glow in F1