fan-made Mapper


First time out of the vault

I am wondering if anyone has an english (translated) manual of the "fan-made Mapper" program available in the downloads section of NMA. I downloaded this mapper in hopes that it would be a lot more user friendly than the official Mapper program for Fallout 2.

Unfortunately, the fan-made program will not allow me to create new maps, only open existing maps. I looked to the manual for advice, but it is a .RUS file and is in Russian. Please let me know where to get a translated version.

While I am asking, are there any other programs or, perhaps, plugins, that make the original mapper more usable?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

On another note, I am looking for mappers and scripters for a Fallout 2 mod. It is actually not set in the Fallout universe and is more of a survival-horror-zombie game. However, I think the sense of humor conveyed in the game and (hopefully) non-linearity (spelling?) will still remind people of Fallout 2.

Any input/help on any of the above fronts would be great!
Use the official BIS Mapper. Dims mapper isn't finished as far as I know and has even more problems than the official Mapper. Also I personally think the official Mapper is userfriendly... you just need to learn how it works.
Use the official BIS Mapper. Dims mapper isn't finished as far as I know and has even more problems than the official Mapper. Also I personally think the official Mapper is userfriendly... you just need to learn how it works.

Same here. With the BIS mapper, you might want to use the Mash high resolution patch for the mapper.
If you persist using the Dimsmapper, use the desert map as basis for a new map.