Fan sties

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Doesa anybody know any fansites for fallout and stuff that are acttually running besides nma i would appercaite it Thanxs

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Sep-20-02 AT 09:18PM (GMT)[p]Yeah, there are quite a few:
[|Duck And Cover]
[|French Vault]
[link:|Sierra Army Depot]

I also know DAC has some links on their page, I've forgotten to post a link section..

But I don't think you'll find one with as many files, information etc.. as NMA..

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Well what are you looking for exactly ?

[|No Mutants Allowed]
i'm not trying to be a little bitch or anything but most of the sites i wanna go to like new different fan sites and like fallout tataics fan sites (even though i don't have the game it looks really kool) so i want to find like tatics fan sites
Well we have quite an extensive Fallout Tactics section.. and you won't find more tactics maps anywhere...

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Interesting, blackisle are moving over to phpBB too. It seems to be all the rage.

Moo..... Moo.... I'm an Interplay Cow. (Ready to be milked with a Fallout style MMORPG with aliens!)
>Interesting, blackisle are moving over to
>phpBB too. It seems to
>be all the rage.
What's actually funny about all of this is that vBulletin cost money, phpBB don't! It's open source and free for all, hehe! makes you wonder about the guys who are making forums and getting paid for it..

The reason why BIS is probably moving to phpBB is because vBulletin can't take the load, it seems.. they got around 15-16.000 users, quite alot...

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I once saw a phpbb with 70,000 users...

PHPBB is not only free, it's even much better.
>I once saw a phpbb with
>70,000 users...

Oh sweet phpBB...come to daddy...erm...

>PHPBB is not only free, it's
>even much better.

I hope so....

[|No Mutants Allowed]
It's a forum software, check out [|phpBB] for more info..

[|No Mutants Allowed]
HELLO! Vault 52 is the place to be. Okay not really much Fallout info but it is a great example of what great games can inspire people to and what great things can be created if you put your mind to it.