Favourite Armor


Still Mildly Glowing
Well, what's your favourite armor.

Wenn tagged Small Guns, the Ranger Battle Armor is perfect.

What wenn tagged energy weapons ?
I actually like the Recon Armour, prolly cus I like to Sneak and punch people in the back of the head with my power fist.
Wasteland Wanderer Outfit or Leather armor
just looks fine, and thats all I need for my non-combat char
Oh, for non-combat armour, I like the Raider Badlands armour.. The one with the metal grate-styled kneepad and exposed shoulders..
* Merc Troublemaker Outfit
[for its look; unfortunately its poor in terms of DR and male's version look better than female's one - my PC is female so damn Bethesda for their gender-based look of many clothes just like it is in Oblivion].

* Ranger Battle Armor
[for its usefulness].

* T-51b Power Armor
[because it's T-51b Power Armor; but I must point out that I use some mod that changes a bit its statistics].
T-51b, definitely !
There's nothing like putting a big armor and getting a gattling laser to kill some muties.
I prefer the raider painspike armor for my female character. For my first character.. didn't really matter as long as it gave him high DR. I used combat armor until I got hold of enclave armor and then used that simply because of the bonus to energy weapons. Wazer Wifle! :P

Edit: Maybe that's Tesla armor I'm thinking of?
The enclave mark II armor, modded though.

And the clothes stained with blood spurts.

And last but not least, the vault suit given to you by the overseer's daughter. Makes me look like an overseer.
Leather Armor and Roving Trader Outfit.

I wear them for the sake of appearance, but really, the game is so ridiculously easy that I can manage with those just fine anywhere I go.
T-51b absolutely the best but kinda hard to keep repaired since i guess wolfgang is the only one who can repair it
Reilly's Ranger Armor.

Though at the end of the game I was using the Tesla Armor.

The biggest problem for me with PA in this game is that I had put off doing the main quest while I ran down all the side missions and explored. So by the time I got PA and could wear it the game was over within a couple hours. Next time I think I'll rush through the main quest to get the PA then just ignore it until I'm done exploring.
Vault Security armour, I would wear it more often if it wasn't so pants in the DR department.

Also the T-51b for nostalgic badassness, though the pip boy getting rid of one of the gauntlets makes it look stupid.

Oh and also the radiation suit because running around in that with a flamethrower makes me feel like the pyro from TF2. :P