Fbos Renders info


Carbon Dated and Proud
Well it seems IPLY also sent out some info along with the latest Renders that were released a couple of days ago, here's a goodie:<blockquote>Spitting Radscorpions - Spitting Radscorpions are a step sideways on the evolutionary ladder from normal radscorpions. They have developed the ability to spit radioactive venom at distant targets. As a result, their claws are severely under-developed, used only for protecting the spitting radscorpion’s head. Spitting Radscorpions are usually yellow in color with a bright red coloring on their back and legs. </blockquote>Great imagination on varied enemies, what's next? Spitting Deathclaws?
Link: Renders Info at Gamezone
Yeah, what's the need for two pincer claws and a poisonous barbed tail when you can *spit* acid. Stupidendous!

And the deathclaws don't really need those massive claws, right? Why, they can simply pick up rocks and throw them. That'll make 'em think!

Oh, Interplay, keep the ideas rolling.
Why would their claws shrink? They'd still need claws to tear up stuff for eating as well as burrowing.

Sounds like someone flunked biology.
While that is true Saint, several generations of breeding which enable smaller clawed variations an equal chance to survive, since a non-spitting variation needs more strength and abrasiveness in their claws to survive, where as spitting ones would only need a minimum amount to cut dead flesh, where as a non-spitting variety would need to pierce and crush living flesh, shell, bone that was moving and reacting to attack. As well, years of using the claws as a main attack source would build the tissues, muscles, and bones themselves to be stronger for assault, where as years of using them only as a butterknife would basically weaken them.

Not saying you don't know this, or that they do, just saying...