Fbos worst of 2004?


Carbon Dated and Proud
Apparently Fbos has gotten an award from Gamespot, they were one of the titles that won the Most Despicable Product Placement award. Which is odd when you look at the rating they gave Fbos in their review.
Link: Gamespot best and worst of 2004
Thanks goes out to Briosafreak for informing us.
Im willing to bet money that differnt people did the awards and the review, or if the same people, then they had managment pressure for the review (that, or they decided to jump onto the FO bandwagon in flaming POS)

Also intersting to note is that STALKER got most disapointing delay nomination and that they think noone played SIlentStorm (Best Game No One Played nomination.).

Heres what really irks me however..........

Best Role-Playing Game
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (GC)
Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (GC)
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne (PS2)
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords (Xbox)
Tales of Symphonia (GC)

NOTHING but console games. Bloodlines certainly deserved a nimination at least, since despite its flaws (which are many) its still a good action RPG, with enough RP elements to be consoderd a pure RPG.
They also should have put Fallout BOS under the "Worst Use of a Good License" category

Edit: Forget that. I didn't see that under that category it was movie games. But i bet you see where i was going with this.
really, no one played silent storm... almost no one, by industry standards anyway.

and i particularly liked:
Most Baditude
Need for Speed Underground 2 (PC, Xbox, GC, PS2)
NFL Street 2 (Xbox, GC, PS2)
Outlaw Golf 2 (Xbox, PS2)
Pocket Kingdom (NGE)
Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (PC, Xbox, GC, PS2)
having played nfsu2 and pop:ww, i can certainly agree that kind of stupidity deserves an award (and now that i think of it, shouldn't POS be over here too?)
Gamespot is more of a console gaming magazine. That fact alone has me skip over their pc gaming section. Don't pay attention to their awards, they know nothing.
That's nothing, you should check out SPIKE gaming awards - nothing but console games. OK, I'm lying, there was Half Life 2, and it won the award for best graphics, but all other awards went to console and PC/console titles. And it wouldn't bother so much if the games weren't commercial crap like NFSU2. Brooke Burke won the award for best voice actor performance in NFSU2... the very sound of her voice made me want to punch her face in, yet she wins the award. Not to mention the blundering moron Samuel L. Jackson who won the award for his acting in GTA: San Andreas and constantly kept referring to the game as "GTA 2". Or the multiplayer games category, where nominees were Burnout 3 and similar console shit - no mention of Battlefield Vietnam, no mention of Joint Operations... Or the best RPG award, which went to Fable instead to a real RPG like Bloodlines or KotOR 2... The whole show was kind of sad, as it shows that people who are supposed to be rewarding greatest accomplishments in the gaming industry are completely ignorant not only on the subject of gaming, but even on such basic subjects as what constitutes good voice acting.

Pathetic... just pathetic.[/u]
Jebus said:
Best story: "GTA3: San Andreas"
Ehm... yeah. Sure.

I thought the same thing..

Also has anyone noticed how Chronicals of Riddick seems to be in almost every category?
ericjones said:
Yep. But Chronicles of Riddick was actually a surprisingly good game.

For a film license yes it was surprisingly good... However it was no where near as good as HL2. That was a truley awsome game, the ending almost made me cry.
