Feargie shows his profile


Carbon Dated and Proud
Yay! We've gotten a new Fallout Developers Profile on our hands, this time around it's none other then the man we love to hate/love mr. Feargus Urquhart. Here's a little snibblet:<blockquote>What specifically inspired Fallout for you? What were the biggest influences?

I would have to say some sort of weird mix of 50's/60's Sci-Fi, Mad Max and Cyberpunk. It's possible that my view of Fallout was a little darker than others, which is why Fallout 2 turned out a little darker.
If I were to do further Fallouts - I would probably make the games lighter.</blockquote>Lighter?! Now to all you former Fallout devs out there that haven't answered these questions, get with the program and sign up today!
Link: Fallout Developers Profile - Feargus Urquhart
So he's saying all of these latest interviews were done when he was in a bad "i'd hate to make another fallout" day? Let's hope so, since he doesn't seem like such a bad guy, and he did infact have a hand in some of the greatest crpgs of all time....

Phil the Nuke-Cola Dude said:
He has that creepy "Get in the van, i have candy" smile....
And the phisical, and the background.... makes you wonder what leads some people to founding game companies, and others to get jail raped....
Ferg said:
Chill OUT! Smile What I mean by that is that you guys might get more of what you want by accepting that Fallout 3 might never be made and to help the developers and publishers make the Fallout games they are working on successful. With a part of that success being that they follow the fell of the Fallout world. If you guys just tell them how dumb Fallout Morrowind will be than it might turn out be less of a Fallout game because people tend to ignore those that call them stupid every third word. If the Fallout games that are being made are successful then that can only increase the chance of Fallout 3 actually being made.

I agree with him on this point, actually. The FO community must be more constructive when it comes to dishing out criticisms. Lets just focus on giving them *good* ideas. We've already made it quite clear that we want TB and Iso view, the rest is up to them.

Oden, what do you think of creating some type of "Fallout 3 Suggestions" forum that’s completely void of flames, trolls and the like. No discussion on RT vs. TB, Iso, or any comments on how much "Bethesda sucks ass", etc. I think the future developers would like it. I’ll even mod it if you want.
NCR_Ranger said:
Oden, what do you think of creating some type of "Fallout 3 Suggestions" forum that’s completely void of flames, trolls and the like. No discussion on RT vs. TB, Iso

And what exactly would we be discussing in there?
Who's this Oden?

But no, we won't create another Fo3 forum. There is one already and it should be used, so far there isn't that many flaming/bashing threads.
Feargus said:
It's possible that my view of Fallout was a little darker than others, which is why Fallout 2 turned out a little darker.
If I were to do further Fallouts - I would probably make the games lighter.

*blinks* Apparently, the concept of presentation has no chance of living around Feargus. Or did slavery make FO2 "darkerLOL!"? I know it wasn't the craptacular easter eggs inserted ad nauseum.

Frankly, from the tone of the intro through to the ending, it was obvious that Fo1 was the darker. Fo2 wasn't darker, it was cheesier, to the point of being lame in many places.
Roshambo said:
Frankly, from the tone of the intro through to the ending, it was obvious that Fo1 was the darker. Fo2 wasn't darker, it was cheesier, to the point of being lame in many places.

Exactly my point!
Feargus said:
If the Fallout games that are being made are successful then that can only increase the chance of Fallout 3 actually being made.

I can't stop myself thinking this line sounds strangely familiar....

You know, I'm sorry but that final little comment there from Feargie is just ridiculous.

Of course we'd all *LOVE* to support a Fallout game. Seriously, we would.

I'm not made of money. Spending $50 on a game that's a pile of shit, to MAYBE get the game I really wished I had gotten, made in the future, is just a little bit silly especially since fantastic companies like Interplay will not use the revenue from the crap game that sold to make a great game -- they'll churn out another quick crap game to make more quick name-rape cash.

I'd rather just donate $100 cash to a fund for 'Developing a true Fallout successor' than play the 'buy the games that sort of suck in order to support the francise' line of thinking.

Seriously thought Feargus ... Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel? I rented it, just for the hell of it -- and it was godawful. So saying "All of the Fallout fans should just buy anything with the name Fallout in it so that maybe someday you'll get the game you want" -- that's just fucking horseshit.
Feargus said:
I also straightened up the Hub, made the Boneyard work

Actually the Boneyard was the least polished and realized area in the game, but maybe that's not his fault if it was handed to him at a late stage.

Feargus said:
It's possible that my view of Fallout was a little darker than others, which is why Fallout 2 turned out a little darker.

What the others said.

Feargus said:
If the Fallout games that are being made are successful then that can only increase the chance of Fallout 3 actually being made.

I can't believe he said that. Echoes of "the fans killed Interplay". As N so acutely observed, consumers paying for an inferior product doesn't send the message "Now go and do something really good with my money", it sends the message "Please produce more crap as I obviously don't care either way". Maybe working in management makes that entire concept very appealing after a while.
If the Fallout games that are being made are successful then that can only increase the chance of Fallout 3 actually being made.
It's truly sad to hear that once again. I believe that has to be one of the worst arguments ever spewed againt the fallout community.

Roshambo said:
I know it wasn't the craptacular easter eggs inserted ad nauseum.
I learned quite quickly to just ignore most of the easter eggs, I don't think anyone should consider them a big part of the game (tough they were quite frequent, and quite a few of them were questionable at best).

And I do agree Fallout 1 was darker, just look at the ending for both, Infact, i think the happy ending was in my view the "lamest" thing about FO2.
Mr.I-got-candy-in-my-car said:
If the Fallout games that are being made are successful then that can only increase the chance of Fallout 3 actually being made.

What the hell did he mean by that? fallout3 *is* being made(or at least it's in "pre-production") what other fallout games would there be? :scratch:
And I do agree Fallout 1 was darker, just look at the ending for both, Infact, i think the happy ending was in my view the "lamest" thing about FO2.


I think the lamest thing was how you could just high-tail it over to v15, get v13 location from the comp, run in, steal a geck and when you get out no matter how much time passed the village got raided.
No, the village raid is triggerd when the GECK is gotten for a simple reason.

The GECK is not the true goal of the game, the Enclaves destruction is. When you get the GECK, if you were to return with it you would 'win' the game in a way, that trigger is designed to make it nessacary to rescue yiur village.
If you ingore your village, then you can wander the wastes until you reach the time limit and the FEV virus kills you.
Why not have multiple branches for that occasion, including to a possible invasion while they are using the GECK and things turn to hell? If possible, the player could possibly hold off the invasion and then have to deal with the Enclave before they send reinforcements. Therefore you only need to save your villagers if they are taken, but the Enclave would still pose a threat, so they are the final destination. It all depends on how things are written.

Having the village be raided depending upon the GECK is the aspect of a story-driven game, rather than an open event-driven game like the original Fallout. Events and times changed depending upon what you did in the wasteland, but it wasn't a hard set story trigger. I was one of the few that did like the time limits, as they added more urgency to the journey, and proves there really is a peril before you decide to wrap things up on your own.

If the game is fun, it's not a hassle to replay it and is in fact fun.

Per said:
Actually the Boneyard was the least polished and realized area in the game, but maybe that's not his fault if it was handed to him at a late stage.

Maybe that's why I keep suggesting the Gunrunners for all of the crappy spin-offs. :wink:

I can't believe he said that. Echoes of "the fans killed Interplay". As N so acutely observed, consumers paying for an inferior product doesn't send the message "Now go and do something really good with my money", it sends the message "Please produce more crap as I obviously don't care either way". Maybe working in management makes that entire concept very appealing after a while.

I thought the Scots were owned by the English, not the French... :?
Rosh, you need to threaten some modders into making a mod for that.

And the Boneyard had SO much that could have been done better, but I think I'll allow for discression, and just assume that Iply rushed the game and stopped Fergie's work on those areas.