Fifth Anniversary of Trzynasty Schron


Night Watchman
Staff member
As Sajdon remarks in a newspost at Trzynasty Schron, this Polish Fallout fan site had celebrated the fifth anniversary of its founding last week. We can only congratulate and wish them many more years of glory. <blockquote>Yes, exactly... Today is the fifth anniversary of our site. At 27 November 1999 certain Oozy decided to create the first Polish site about Fallout 3. Aftermath of his strange whim can be witnessed to this very day ... :-) Our site has gone through many ordeals; A few times it's lost the server, sometimes it appeared dead for several weeks, but here we are and we keep on trying. We've seen many sites rise and fall; Today not many of them still exist, but we strive to remember those that mobilised and helped us.</blockquote>All the best guys, keep up the good work. /~~~For they're some jolly good fellows....~~~/
You mean a speeding bullet?

Damn, PsychoSniper: Spammer Extraordinaire.

Uh, well done to our Polish brethren, even if I never have heard of them, not speaking Polish and all. :P
Big T > don't worry, one day you will hear about us :) The day we will make english version.... but it might take some time.... (another 5 years? :D )