[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Apr-21-01 AT 03:12PM (GMT)[p]I inadvertently read your stupid post so THANKS A LOT FOR SPOILING THE GAME, ASSHOLE. Go: A) put anything like this **SPOILER** as the message title and "vault 0" inside the message, and apologize profusely or B) do something productive, e.g. committing suicide.
I suggest B, because there isn't a single person with a right mind who'll forgive you for being such a bitch.
Sorry about this, mods, but I get really pissed when I get my game spoiled. When I knew the surprise ending of Diablo II a couple days after I got the game because of some forum guys, I was pissed; it's like that here.
Virx: DON'T SPOIL THE GAME FOR OTHER PEOPLE!!! Now I know that Vault 0 has bad guys in it which really defeats a hell of a lot, which really fucking pisses me off!!! You're the kind of guy who'd post the ending to Deus Ex on their help forums after beating it.
Now I have to convince myself that I should have figured there'd be robots in Vault 0 (for all the people who mentioned them without spoiler warnings, thank you very much and I hope you have a nice day). I don't get a lot of free time and I'm basically playing FOT with what little I get... don't ruin it all, okay?