Finally bought Wasteland 2,any tips?

I played it for a bit a while ago so I can't really give much advice.
The only things I can think of are:
  • Do not make Jack of all trades characters, make specialised ones since you have plenty of party size.
  • A few points on melee combat help in the beginning because enemies might rush your characters and shooting at close range will miss a lot.
  • Get someone who can use the healing items, without Field Medic skill you can only heal with painkillers and without Surgeon you won't be able to bring back characters who are lying on the ground dying (I like to have a main medic and surgeon and a second character that also has a fewer points in Field Medic and Surgeon too, just in case).
  • Have someone with Weaponsmithing so you can mod your weapons and recover the mods from older weapons too.
  • Ass skills are also useful, so having someone that has at least one of each Ass skills helps if you're a conversation inclined player.

Make specialised characters with just one weapon skill. One for locks and hacking, one for dialogue stuffz, one for healing and resurrecting, one for breaking stuffs, etcetera. Try to spread the weapon skills. It'll help spreading ammo later on.

Wasteland isn't too hard with a well balanced party.
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Have at least one medic and one long-range soldier (a sniper, for example). You'll find that they'll get you through a lot.

Also, make sure that one other squad member also has Field Medic and Surgeon skills, in case your medic is the one who gets downed. I made the mistake of having my main medic take all the melee damage during the Highpool fight, which prompted a reload and doing the whole battle again.

But honestly, just make the squad you want. Go wild. Sooner or later, you'll find that literally everything will benefit you at some point. Yes, even Toaster Repair. In fact, especially Toaster Repair.
As far as I know, luck is a dump stat. And remove your armor when facing opponents with energy weapons (this is pretty stupid), unless the combat system has been modified in the DC.