Finally! The Electric Car! (that can be taken serious)


Vault Dweller
Europe... Hell Yeah 8)



Ultra smooth 100% electric power (700+bhp) immediately from zero rpm
10 minute charge time for over 250 miles of motoring (GTSE model)
Uncompromising performance with 0-60mph in less than 4 seconds (GTS model)

State of the art NanoSafe™ battery system and Hi-Pa Drive™ electric motor technology

Full regenerative braking so the battery receives charge every time you slow down, travel downhill or simply coast

Commanding presence of carbon fibre/Kevlar hand-crafted bodywork

Clean technology means no congestion charge or road tax and the ultimate A grade green rating

Phenomenal economy up to 10 x cheaper to run than petrol

Safer with no large fuel tank, thermally stable batteries and a bodywork structure similar to that used in F1 to protect the driver
Luxury spec. interior – incorporating sat nav, ipod interface and virtual engine sound.


This is a true electric sports car.

“You see any cops?” Eberhard asks, shooting me a mischievous look. The car is vibrating, ready to launch. I’m the first journalist to get a ride.

He releases the brake and my head snaps back. One-one-thousand: I get a floating feeling, like going over the falls in a roller coaster. Two-one-thousand: The world tunnels, the trees blur. Three-one-thousand: We hit 60 miles per hour. Eberhard brakes. We’re at a standstill again – elapsed time, nine seconds. When potential buyers get a look at the vehicle this summer, it will be among the quickest production cars in the world. And, compared to other supercars like the Bugatti Veyron, Ferrari Enzo, and Lamborghini Diablo, it’s a bargain. More intriguing: It has no combustion engine.

The trick? The Tesla Roadster is powered by 6,831 rechargeable lithium-ion batteries – the same cells that run a laptop computer. Range: 250 miles. Fuel efficiency: 1 to 2 cents per mile. Top speed: more than 130 mph. The first cars will be built at a factory in England and are slated to hit the market next summer. And Tesla Motors, Eberhard’s company, is already gearing up for a four-door battery-powered sedan.
Looks great, but as someone who actually wouldn't mind an electric car - doubt I will ever be able to afford something that fancy!

Bring on the cheap electric cars, that don't look like toasters (and can you can still break the speed limit with). :)
Starseeker said:

This is a true electric sports car.

But I already posted about the tesla 2nd post! Give me credit, give me recognition! me me me! ...Anyone have a coke?

Edit: As much as I want an electric car... I still want to buy a TVR - Tuscan... Lousy brits had to go out of business.
I want that car. I never liked cars because they are polluting the air, but this one seems to be nice :) .
Fahrplan said:
Well, and it isn't that expensive!

Just 140 000 bucks :shock:

Yeah, that's damned cheap compared to the apartments here in Manhattan, they go up to around $5,000,000 a piece.

Talk about expensive living. :?
140k? that's a hundred thousand more than I paid for my house. I'm not so sure one of these would really be worth it for me....
10mmCurator said:
What about electric motorbikes?
What about electric motorbikes? Did you have something to contribute, or were you waiting for somebody to do it for you?

On the subject, I think I'd like to do some serious research before proclaiming electric powered vehicles to be cleaner than petrol powered ones. Sure, there are no direct emissions, but the electricity needs to be generated somewhere, most likely using fossil fuels or nuclear power (which, aside from the radioactive waste, has a rather large carbon footprint due to the mining/refining/transportation of the fissionable material).
I would also be interested in the environmental impact of the materials used in the batteries. Six thousand eight hundred and thirty one is a lot of batteries.
True. My LEGO trains ran only on one 9V battery.

Engineers these days.
The technology will mature, as is evidenced by these cars. The entire "who killed the electric car" thing was a joke; nobody killed the electric car, GM retracted one leased vehicle line that was released as an experiment, from which a lot was learned. You could still buy electric cars and still can. What's changing now is that you can now buy one you'd want to own -albeit very expensively. The big question is just will electric cars reach a significant market penetration before something superior overtakes them.
I personally believe that the Tesla is a step in the right direction. It shows that electric cars can be a serious contender in the most contested market in cars, the luxury sports market. This will put some major pressures on car markers and maybe change some povs of some car buyers who think electric cars are just for hippies and yuppies. It shows that these type of cars can be attractive, non cute, and fun to drive. It's also economical to a certain extent. If the 2 cents a mile can be trusted, then that's a lot of money in the long run.

As for the fact that shifting the energy/waste production onto another site, well, that's to be expected. I hold the view that controlling and maintaining emissions shouldn't be trusted to individuals, since that requires a lot of work, and you can't always enforce it well/efficiently. A power plant is another matter. It will have stricter controls as a single entity, and it's usually heavily regulated to a certain extent.

As for cars of the FUture, I am still waiting for the development of the Sky Car. :D
hasn't the problem with electric cars always been
1. price to manufacture

2. market (who has that much money laying around) there is a low number of people that meet that social economic status.

3. The gasoline industry is notorious for buying out these patents and filing them away never to be seen again.
An electric car would be great, but do they have to make them that ugly? I want an electric 1959-Reissue-Cadillac! Now!