Finnish movie kuolleiden talvi "winter of dead"

Learn your own nations history, you silly Finnish people.

And especially the history of the Finnish-Ugric ethnic group.
We Finns don?t get embarrassed. We get shitfaced and when you are shitfaced it is impossible to get embarrassed (and in the morning you don't remember anything).


I actually don't like us finns that much. I personally think we are idiots with Finnish Hockey Shirts that are too drunk even to make a decent fight (like English soccer fans).

Germans don?t think beer is alcohol so that's why they can't get shitfaced from it. We finns use it to get shitfaced (among others). It reminds me of some teen trying to get drunk with 1% cider...pathetic.

Beer and wine is for drinking with dinner /food (if you drink it at dinner you are automatically a alcoholist in Finland) and the strong stuff is when you want to relax /or get shitfaced. When will we understand that as a nation....never.

Thank god I'm half german :twisted:
Hawaii Dispensaries
So, is there an explanation on why the zombies don't freeze solid?

Are these 28 Days Later variant zombies?