First mission question.

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What are the units that you go up against in brahmin wood? I can't seem to find them in the editor since they don't really look like the typical raiders. I just want to know what their typical inventory and statistcs are. I believe I have installed all of the entity files and sprites. So I don't believe it's that. If someone could do me one better and just tell me whether or not they wear any armor or if their armor class is slightly better than average I'd be appreciative.
>What are the units that you
>go up against in brahmin
>wood? I can't seem to
>find them in the editor
>since they don't really look
>like the typical raiders. I
>just want to know what
>their typical inventory and statistcs
>are. I believe I have
>installed all of the entity
>files and sprites. So I
>don't believe it's that. If
>someone could do me one
>better and just tell me
>whether or not they wear
>any armor or if their
>armor class is slightly better
>than average I'd be appreciative.

not to worry though. Most raiders usually have an armour class of 6 - 8 coz they good Agility. Most do not wear armour except for the Raider Boss and his lackeys.

The raiders are typically outfitted with: *Spoiler Alert*

Berettas (15 round mag)
Colt. 45s (12 round mag)
Uzi SMGs (25 round mag)
Pump action shotguns (5 shells per load)
Sawed off Shotguns (2 shells per load)
Hunting Rifles (10 rounds per mag)
Spear Gun (1 shot only)
C96 Mauser (10 - 15 round mag)
Zip Gun (1 shot only)

thats about it, they are also supported by Dogs and a couple of melee weapons. They also have some Medical Supplies, Food, Drink and Molotov Cocktails stash away in crates and boxes.

Dont worry too much though, after all its only the first mission.

The real fun starts after u can get the AK 47s which are in the 2nd mission. And try to carry as many of them as possible. They are often the mainstay weapons of most people up till the 3rd Campaign.
Amongst the raiders, following the first mission-

You will also find that a lot of the raiders carry around skorpion submachine guns. How a Czech submachine gun became so numerous in central USA is yet another case of inconsistency in game design.

Regardless, its worth only money. There are also a couple MP5's, the Sten Gun and another submachinegun, but you have to find those. The virtue of submachine guns is that they use 9mm ammo which you will have in abundance. The down side is that the assault rifles are better.

You will also find a few strange pistols at the beginning- the Sig Sauer, the Browning high power, the revolvers. Usually you will have to find them, keep the revolvers but dump the automatics. Revolvers have a great rate of fire and high damage, better usually than the automatics.

I agree with most of what Pip says, except on assault rifles.

It seems to me that the FAL is better than the AK47 in range and fire power. The M16 is not as good in fire power but better in range. The enfield assault rifle you pick up later is also not a bad weapon compared to the AK47.

As for the M14, generally I have been disappointed with it and generally use it because it uses a different kind of ammunition than the others.

The M1 is superior to the hunting rifle, but there is limited ammo for it.

ALso while 5.56 ammo is rarer than the ammo for your AK 47, there is a lot of it out there, so chances are its worth while to keep at least one player with the M16.

It's scarcity of ammo that is often more a problem than anything else. You usually want to save your better ammo for later in the game. Assault shotguns, for example, are pretty effective throughout the game- but the ammo is always rare and pretty expensive. Shotgun shells work great on deathclaws, but save the slugs for the robots that are coming up. There are not many slugs out there. Be economical.

My rule of thumb is sell everything you don't need but not the ammo, with the exception of ammo for energy weapons. You can get a lot energy early on and little use for it. The cash for energy ammo will help you buy quality goods from either the BOS quartermaster or the outside merchants. Then you can buy back the ammo later when, and if, you need it.

One other word of advice- save perks. Unlike the other perks I think that you can save perks in FOT, but the really good perks come later. You can also save skill points. So when you need it, Tag energy weapons on main characters and boost their scores way up, and that should get you through problems with robots.

Ok, I am totally off thread by now, so will shut up.
in reality , m16 does more damage than ak 47 , ak 47 has the soviet m193 7.62x39 round , and the FN FAL , has the 7.62x51 OTAN ammo , how they both are the same in this game is beyond me :)))) , the FN P90 is in 5.7x28mm , how did it get in 9x19mm parrabellum ( it seems that instead to make a true RPG ,the designers , said about to simplify the game ... a lot , the Ac556 comes from the Miri ruger 14 , but it has either 5 , 10 , 15 , 30 rnds detachable magazie , not 20 .... :( ; the grenades when thrown seem the size of watermellons :))) , where are the artizanal weapons , in fallout 2 i had to go about a lot to get a crappy one shot weapon in 10 mm caliber ... ; and the m14 yes is better against armour than the m16 ( better round .. ) ; now for the real question , how did a Czech sub machine gun , rather rare ( generally used by terrorists ) in 7.62x25 mm , got in large nr ( very large actually )in north america in 9 mm para :))) ...

And by the way , the future is nice in 2087 , but how did in hell's name a sherman ( of the first series , with a 75 mm gun .. ) get in this game when today there is maybe 1 ... 2 in the world of that type , remaining ( just one in USA ) ???????
Tough question ..
what with all the good tanks today they rplaced it in production .... ? and waht happened with fuel , cars generally run on somethin' , right , what is that magic elixir ...

Tough questions but look at the game and u gate the answer really quickly :

and to be frankly , the FN FAL is better in range , than your average m16 ,and yes Steyr AUG comes in 30 rnds and 35 rnds magazine not 24 ??????
Yeah, they were trying for a certain pseudo-realism in Tactics. So they used real-world weapons but they were not really faithful in the type of ammo or the inclusion of the weapons. Ah well, its just a game after all...
Just a game, yes, but still in a lot of ways disappointing.

I think the idea of this game is ok. I know a lot of people are pissed off that its not RPG and I miss the RPG for FO1 and 2. I also think the talking heads suck, the non-linear structure sucks. Rosh would probably say "Hairy Deatclaws!"- they suck too.

But the idea of a tactical game, using the BOS, even the exansion to different areas and a quest to get back, not so bad.

They botched the weapons. In a tactical game that's really quite bad. One rule of writing is that you need to get the facts right. If you are going to include something make sure your research is right, be a fact checker, and if you can't do it- than don't.

One would think that those folks would have more respect for their audience. To shell out $7 for a novel vs $20 for a game (that has a regular habit to crash) merits some respect for the consumer.

I see a Bren Gun but I can't remember a BAR. I remember the Bren and the Schmisser but what about the Thompson. And yes, what is the freaking deal with the Skorpion?

Actually what's with all the names anyway?

That there was a Sherman tank- ok, but again this is a retro-future, built from ideas found in 1940s-early 60s pulps and comics. While the Sherman tank may not be around much these days, back in those days they were. We used Shermans in Korea and the "Super Sherman" was used in a lot of armies into the 1960s. Of course that doesn't really explain the Steyr Aug.

Fuel- Hmmmm....I can see if the vehicles are powered by power cells, like in FO2. But...

In a commercialized world, when someone exchanges one thing of value (money) for something else (entertainment) the question the consumer should ask is "did I get the best deal possible?" not, "despite its many flaws was I entertained?" The seller's business ethics should demand, "did I make the best possible product?" and if not than there is nothing to be proud of because the disrespect you show your regular buyers will lead to a decline in business.