Fixing the Monorail after it blew up


First time out of the vault
Is there any console command or solution to fix the monorail if you messed the quest up?

I've been searching for ways to reset the cell or someone else who have had a solution, but to no avail. All the solutions pertain to fixing the quest, but my savegame is several hundred hours past that quest.
The easiest way you're going to fix that is to go back to an earlier save and replay the "several hundred hours" of game time that have passed. It's not just a matter of trying to reset a cell. You have to change the progress of quests and faction reputations that have accumulated since then. This game is largely about consequences of your actions and choices. Sometimes regret is part of that.
There must be a way to reset the cell, resetting and redoing the quest is easy enough, but the monorail is broken, there is a flag somewhere that makes the game use the broken or functional cell.
I need to find out where.