Flash Wargames1983


Night Watchman
Staff member
I found a simple flash on the net, which allows you to fight a game of Global Thermonuclear War in mere seconds.

Just log in, select the side, then choose attack modes and fire away! (It's good do work down your opponent's launch capabilities by attacking silos first, then when they've got <5 left, annihilate their citizens; otherwise you might win, but losing several millions against a hundred or so!)

Link: Wargames1983

Spotted at SHAMO Forum
Actually, it's not that hard to win, but rather to minimise your losses and maximise damage done.
keyser Soeze said:
The only way to win is not to play.

ooo how poetic :wink:
It's a movie quote from Wargames if you missed it. "Strange game. The only way to win is not to play." The Fo2 computers referance the same computer, Joshua, I think, from that same movie.

Also, there are dozens of very similar flash games to that one around the internet.
Fifth place. I bombed them down to six silos and then attacked cities to make up the gap in casualties. Then I finished them off.

EDIT: Excuse me, FIRST PLACE. Annihilating the population of the US seems to be the way to go. Only cost me 83 million Russians and change.