Floating Dialog Problem With TeamX Patches


It Wandered In From the Wastes
In the orginal Fallout Ian is supposed to make comments in floating dialog when you visit various places in The Hub and Junktown. With the TeamX patches I'm not getting these comments. I am getting other character's floating dialog when I talk to them. I'm using the latest TeamX patch and the NPC mod. Any help would be appreciated.

-Ryan P. Fialcowitz
I am considering starting a new game and playing the game all of the way through. When is the next version of the patch going to be released? Should I wait for them, or start my new game now?
We're really sorry for making you wait. Next releases are ready there is only one little thing left. But we all have a real life to live and real work to do. I'll try to speed up the process, but I can't say anything about release date right now. Sorry. :(