FNA: Darkwood

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First time out of the vault
(( Please don't post in this thread unless your Syphon or myself. Otherwise, just post in the "Fallout: New Age" thread ))

The area around Darkwood seems to be some remains of a ancient city from before the war. Even though most if not about all buildings are fallen down and seems to be useless to use for shelter and such, there seems to be plenty of old matrials around for getting started again. Though there are many obstacles and much work to get it all back up from ruins, but hoply Syphon can handle this.

Outpost Title: Darkwood
Leader: Syphon

Current Population: 9
5 Free Workers

Barkeeper (Oliver)
Herbalists (Leon, Mitch)
Medic (Hyrois)

Current Wealth: 3,150
Wood: 0
Stone: 0
Iron: 0
Sandbags: 300
Coal: 0

Wheat: 0
Meat: 50
Booze: 50
Geck Pelt: 2
Golden Pelt: 0

Current Buildings:
Well (Current Water=100 pop.)
2 Houses
1 Drugclinic(drinks, store) (occupied by Leon, Mitch)
1 Saloon (occupied by Oliver)
1 Medical Center (occupied by Hyrois)
1 Office (occupied by Syphon)

Current Town Guards:

3 Civilian Militia
Current Weapons: | 1, .406 Rifle | 2, 10mm colts | 4, Shotguns | old Grenade (not sure to work) | Machine Gun (disabled)
Current Equipment: a pair of Binoculars | a Stimpack | a Leather Jacket (Syphon)

Current Locations:
Blood Hill (East)


1) The buildings around the outpost are very worned down some almost destroyed and brings little protection. You will need to repair the buildings to fully working condition to bring full protection again. There is 3 houses that looks promessing around the core of the new outpost. But still worn down and you will need 2 mans of work on each (they are proud houses wich are somewhat better then shantys, much better protection and stuffs) taking one turn if so. No resources are needed as everything is already around.

2) One of your close friends says that he saw something moving in the horisont to the south last night and though it might be troublesome.
(um, the only thing really they got is a pair of binoculars, a stimpack and a Leather jacket(Syphon' wears). Thanks dude, I really appreciate this.)

1. Syphon sends four men, in pairs, to work on the two crumbling houses.

2. Syphon dispatches 2 men to the south, instructing them to stay diligant and cautious. One carries a .406 while the other holds a 10mm.
(( No Problem ^^ Its fun playing so a lil borring when ya cant :P ))


1) Your men starts to build on the houses, everything going smoth and easy.

2) The 2 mens walks south finding no problem at all durring the wholle day, as the sun starts to go down they are still out in the wasteland and decides to rest in a small cave they found.


1) In the mittle of the night the 2 men resting in the cave wakes up by the scream of a Gecko. It seems they have managed to find the Geckos cave were it rests at the night. Next to the Gecko it seems to be some kind of rat dead on the ground, probebly the catch for the night. How will you react?

2) There seems to be a deligate for the outpost of Renzo wich are trying to sell a slave to you for $400 after refusing your offer of $300. What will you do?
1. Startled, one of the men trips over and knocks himself unconscious. Luckily, the other isn't such a doofus and shots the geck with his .406.

2. Syphon agrees and quickly puts the man to work.(His name is to be Shaka.) He instructs his men that if Shaka trys to runs off, to shoot him immediately.

3. Syphon sets up one of the houses as his office.

1) The geck are being killed and the guy carring a .406 knew a little about getting the pelts of the geck so he takes it of and takes the pelt and the unconscious guy with him, taking bit of time getting home.


1) There is still one worn down house close to the core of the city wich can be built up with one turns work of 2 mens.

2) One of your citisens finds a mine burried in the ground close to the core of the city and seems a bit scared that it will accidently blow up. As with that it seems the old depleted city have once in a time been a warsieght, mabey something more then this mine are possible to be found around here? And what will you do about the mine?
1. Syphon orders that 2 men finish up on the remaining house.

2. Send 3 men, 2 equipped with a 10mm pistol, go and scout the old mine.

3. Keep one man guarding the town with the .406.

4. Shaka is to search the surrounding, decrepit buildings for anything of value.
(( Dunno if we though of the same thing, as mine I though of the explosive thing :P dunno if you need 3 men to take care of such :P ))


1) The 2 mens starts to repair the remaining house, everything going calm without any trouble in sight.

2) Shaka explores around but can't find much for now, maybe its burried?

3) The man with the geck pelt and his mate have returned home and the new shiny pelt is a great addition to your storage.


1) Whille Shaka explores around 2 rats comes attacking from a depleated house, how will you react?

2) There have been discovered some smells coming from the nortwest, the people of your city are worried that this comes from a dangerious source.
(Like a big hole in the ground, groundzero for a nuclear bomb. BTW, I'm leaving today at 4:00 to go to Tennessee. I won't return until Fri or Sat. Sorry for the inconvience.)

1. Buy 300 units of sandbags, 100 meat and 100 booze.

2. Insist that he continue to search for anything. Tell him that if he thinks something is under rubble or buried, to dig it up.

3. Have the two hunter take the 10mm and return to the cave.

4. Syphon dispatchs the guard with the .406 to accompany Shaka and exterminate the rats. After that, have the guard return to his post.

5. Have two scouts go and check it out. As for the last man, he will stay and guard with the other man.
(( as mine I though of the thing if you put your foot on it then later remove that foot you blow up ))


1)The guard fastly kills the rats off, leaving little to no damage on Shaka. Who search around more on the ground, and after a lil whille he finds some amunation and a grenade in the ground. He feels there could be some more to be found.

2) The hunters goes of to the cave. After a quite a bit of walking they finaly finds it again, it have managed to get dark out there and the sight is getting bad. After a whille two gecks shows up and attacks one of them in the back badly. The other one manage to make a critical hit and kill one of the gecks in a blow scaring the 2nd geck away for a short time, enough time for the hunter to check his mate and get him back up on his feet.

3) The scouts arrives at the source of the smell later that day when it starts to darken up a bit, and they finds out that its a mutated rat who have died of some kind of disease.


1) The geck stopps his running after he gets company with a mate of his own. Both the gecks starts to run towards your hunters, what will they do?

2) The scouts who explored and found this dead rat seems kinda scared of what this could be, what will you do?

|| Hint: some people might know something?

(( About the Booze, there were nothing about em in the pricelist, so I conducted 500 for em as the whiskey, if you feel the price for em should be something else Ill moddifiy that by that time ))
(OH... Damn, that went over my head. Then forget about the men scouting it. I thought you meant like a mine that Blackdust has.)

1. Syphon encourages Shaka to continue on in his search for goods. Syphon gives him double rations for his finding of the grenade, to give him an incentive on how important it is to the outpost.

2. Unhesistantly, they unload their clips into the gecks.

3. During the night, as everyone is sipping on whiskey and shooting the shit, Syphon asks everyone individually about the rat.

4. Syphon instructs two men to start digging a trenchline to the south. Meanwhile, having a man put sandbags on the edges.

5. Keep one man on guard, equiped with a .406 rifle.

2) Shaka seems very pleased over his double ration and starts to look even harder when he feels appreciated, a lot more then before. He search high and low, eventualy finding something that takes quite a bit of digging, and with about no tools at all it takes a whille, but after a quite a whille he manage to get the thing out of the ground, finding that its a ancient machine gun, though it seems way to devistated to even work a tiny bit, and looks to be way beyond repair, but still seems to be some fine art at the look of it.

2) Your men who faced the gecks fires unhesistatly and the first gecks only survives a couple of seconds, whille the 2nd geck hits the arm of your unhurt man before he gets his head blown of. They takes the geck hide and return it to the outpost.

3) You asks around and to start with noone seems to know anything, but eventualy you asks Shaka and he seems to have discovered these in a earlier life (the life before slavery) and states that the disease only effects animals, but it could hurt the surrounding wildlife.

4) Your mens starts digging in the south meanwhille the otherman put the sandbags on. After a whille of working your men gets a bit tired from the hard sun that day and the one putting up sandbags accidently drop one into the trenchline and it falls on one of the mens digging, luckly he was only lighty wounded with some bruces and no more then that. After they go and drink some well earned water they carry on with the work that seems to go on fine.


1) The diseased rat need taken care of, or we will see more dead animals. How will you do with this?

2) The guard sees something in the horisont, figuring its probebly the gecks, though no harm about them. But your men are about to return now and they are quite hurt, one a bit less then the other though, how will you do here?
1. Send a man and have him carefully burn the carcass.

2. Give both men a stimpack, and have them return to the caves.

3. Buy 4 shotguns($500 a piece).

4. Have a worker remove the mine from the city.

5. Syphon, using the last of the local wood, has 2 men start construction on a wooden wall to the south, behind the trench. He also has two men go to Bloohill to buy 400units of wood, for further wall construction.
(( Ill work a lil different now, no more RESULTS or NEED YOUR ATTENTION. Things that needs your attention will be in the end of each column. I think things will go smother this way, atleast Ill try it out (this also means there is no more 1. 2. and so on (maybe will do (1.) before the thing that needs your attention, will see)) ))

One of your mens walks of, going towards the directions were the mutated rat is... after some hours of walk he finaly aprouches the dead mutated rat. When he sees the rat, he screams in fear...

Meanwhille... your hunters have just returned from their venture to the cave and drops of the pelts next to the other pelt. They use the stimpack you gave them fastly as the pain have started to feel in them. They fastly goes straight away again towards the cave as you told em to do. After some hours walk with no eccounters at all, they finaly finds the cave ones again, but as they sees the cave, they see something that makes em freeze...

Slighty after the hunters left the outpost Syphon buys 4 shotguns for their protection, or maybe futher hunting? Anyways, he carries the shotgun to a safe spot and right after that he goes and tell one of the worker to remove the mine from the city wich have been scaring some.

The worker takes some equipment with him as well as he asks shaka about how the best way to dig as shaka have done that some he have noticed... the worker carries on towards the mine, with some fear in his eyes, knowing that the mine could blow up and kill him. He walks with scary slow stephs towards it, trying to avoid it for as long as possible, but eventualy he is there, and can't avoid it anymore. The worker digs the mine up, and seems to have managed with it quite well, and he carries the mine away from the city, still being scared to death that it might blow up any second. After about 30 minutes walk straight out he puts the mine carly down and digs a big hole next to it were he digs the mine down. When done with that he hurries back into the city and after about 20 minutes he is back and can share the good news that the mine is gone from the city.

When the worker returns to the city Spyhon relives in happynes, the thing they have feared some are finaly gone... He decides that now its time to build up a wooden wall to the south wich he calls 2 workers to start working on. The works starts on smothly and they works on it all night and some days forward.

And when the workes started to work on the wall Syphon sends 2 men to Bloodhill to buy 400 units of wood. They takes the money needed for it and carries on towards Bloodhill. At the close night they finaly aprouch the city of bloodhill and they visits their local merchant and starts to negotiate, and after some negotiation, they seems to have been avaible to push the price down a little, with $200 to be exact. With this knowledge of sucess they starts to carry back with the wood, and even though knowing this walk will be a long and danger walk they starts the walk with a smile due to the sucess of negotiation. Syphon will be happy the men thinks.

Back to the mutated rat wich one of your men screamed in fear on the sight of... the man of yours who came there to burn down the leftovers of the rat sees that there is mutiple of scary black birds, they are kinda big. He finds a bit of a broken tree and puts it on fire and starts to scare the birds of with the fire, atleast he hopes thats what it will do. And it seems his hopes were called for, coz the birds flies away of the sight of the fire. Even though he know he managed to scare em of and put the rat carly on fire, he knows the danger in that the fact some birds now have the disease. He goes back the outpost knowing he will have some bad news to tell everyone there. After a long walk he finaly manage come back, and he seems to have managed it finely, looking as his fysical health... He nows have to spread the bad news about what he saw happening... (1) So here is your first thing to react at, the disease have spread out and now are beeing carried by some black scary birds howling around the area of the dead rat.

And now back to the hunters that were heading back to the cave. When we left them they were facing something that made them freeze. Well, the thing that made em freeze is the fact that there were not 4, but 5 gecks (including one golden geck) who were all going in rage towards your hunters. (2) So here is your 2nd thing to react on. How will you do here?

(( OMG, did I writte this much? ^^ Well, I can keep it up =) and I hope you will do the same for me =) and how you like the new way I did it? :) ))
When the men and the wood returns, Syphon tells them to stockpile it behind his office. He seems glad that his men got a cheap deal. He says, "Bloodhill might be a future ally to us."He orders two men to proceed into digging the Eastern trenchline. Syphon orders two other men to use the new wood to build a wooden wall behind the future trenchline.

After being informed about the potential disease outbreak, Syphon maked an important decision. Everyone is not leave to the outpost. They are also instructed to kill anything living that comes nears the town.

...The hunters, seeing the overwhelming opposition, run in fear back to the town. Those new shotguns might even out the fight.

Darkwoods people are in slight fear of a major outbreak. People stop partying at night so much, and resort back to the houses, except for the guards. Syphon stays mostly in his office. He is nervous.
After being informed about the potential disease outbreak, Syphon maked an important decision. Everyone is not leave to the outpost. They are also instructed to kill anything living that comes nears the town.

The hunters fastly recovers, knowing that standing there will not do them any good. As the hunters sees the overwhelming opposition they runs back to the town in fear. (It wasn't clear if you decide to send em out again, as you said everyone was to be home, and guards, well these would have to be it.) (1) This could be first thing, if you send em out again or not then.

The work on the wooden wall to the south seems to have been finished without any problems at all, and the wall seems to be a very nice construction, the men are proud with their construction.

As the mens stands there watching their construction they sees 2 mens in the horisont carring a lots of wood with them. They hurry out there to help out to carry the wood back faster. When they finaly come back to the outpost some hours later Syphon them to stockpilte the wood behinde his office. Syphon who seems glad that his men got a cheap deal says, "Bloodhill might be a future ally to us." After that he orders the to men who just came back with the wood to proceed into digging the Easter trenchline. As well as Syphon orders the two mens who were working on the south wall to now build a new wooden wall behind the future trenchline.

After some nights Syphon releases that Shaka is gone, nowere to be found, as well as the equipment he carried around to dig with. (2) Guess here is your 2nd thing to react to atm, but well... =)
(I'm going to go out on a limb and try something different. I'm going to introduce my citizens with names and personality to get it a Post-Apoc drama feel.)

Back at the outpost, the two frightened hunters return. After hearing about the new outbreak, they both said,"Well, I'm fuckin' glad I didn't touch 'em." That was just like Roger and Keith, long time friends of Syphon back at Bloodhill. They are credited with being highly supportive of the whole idea of startin' a town. Even though its a long shot, they've been consistantly helpful. Instead of getting more muscle for the job they just stayed, inspite of the new potential epidemic.

Meanwhile, Jamal and Derrick worked the Eastern Wall. Jamal is a strong-willed colored man, most notably-known for his free spirited personality. And selling small time weed to the citizens of Darkwood. Meanwhile Derrick being the tough, I don't give a fuck loud italian. Somehow they got along all right, despite their difference. And they worked awesome together, getting shit done quick.

Mitch and Leon were out getting wood, brothers from Bloodhill. Syphon notices that his slave was missing. So Syphon in response to Shaka's evident escape, he does nothing. He can't risk infection farther after Roger and Keith's possible continuation of the epidemic. Since outside work was unneccesary for the moment, Syphon made sure work would continue.

So Jamal and Derrick continue on to digging the North trenchline. Syphon decides to have Roger evalute any buildings still able to be converted into a structure. Keith is ordered to start removing some of the rubble and debris, to clean the city. Keith, Derrick, Jamal and Roger are all equipped with shotguns. Syphon is left to guard the city, with his .406 in hand.
(( I belive it will be quite a bit happening this turn =) First had one thing to happend, but decided to add another thing durring the course of yesterday, so will see here. Ive been looking forward to introduce it. I lil more will come a bit bellow, but first Ill have to decide wich order stuffs will go. Though all this will make stuffs that hasn't happend up till now finaly happend, wich I belive is quite needed to happend. Well lets get things rolling ))

Night is about to fall and there is a slight breath outside, some few junks of some sort probebly being caught up by the wind Syphon thinks as he sits in his office after a long and hard day. He is worn out, his people is hurt and some can't work att full effect. Both Roger and Keith is quite hurt, and Rogers wound is getting worse. Syphon is trying to think out how he is going to do about this but he is quite clueless. Someone knocks on the door. "Come in", Syphon says with a slight depress in his voice. Its Roger and Keith who just have return from the hunt that Syphon kinda regrets he sent em out again to, but he feelt he had no chooise. He looks at them, and he sees the wounds, getting worse, he knows they are hurt and can't do for how long. Roger and Keith explains to Syphon about what happend out there, Syphon figures, its no use sending out again at the time being. (your lil text you wrotte what they said and stuffs, happend before they entered the office)
Syphon looks up again and says:
"Roger, I need you to evalute any buildings thats still able to be converted into working structures."
"And Keith, I need you to start removing some of the rubble and debris, to clean the city."
Roger and Keith looks up at Syphon with a agreeing look and nods their orders. "And yeah, one last thing, You are to be equiped with shotguns, as well as Derrick and Jamal, could you inform them that? But now you need a good nite sleep, its becoming late."
Both responds, "Ofcourse" and they leaves the office, heading to their house for a good nite sleep.

Early next morning everyone starts with their stuffs they are to do, everything goes smothly and so on. Though to Rogers despair, many buildings are to broken down to be of any use, even after repair. But he sees that there is possible to work out 3 buildings into working condition, though with all the matrials around used up, they need to collect new wood to build these up.
2 Houses (200 units of wood each) (2 Mans work each)
1 Small house(100 units of wood)) (1 Mans work each)
The rest of the day goes smotly and no worries.

This padden is keept up on the following day, though Roger have not much to do, but he decides to help is friend keith clean the city, though they haven't found much of use yet, but probebly they will later.

Though, early next day, when the wind is blowing strong and everyone is having a bit of hard time to work on their stuffs as the wind is hampering everyone, Syphon who is guarding the town sees something in the distanse, he takes it as 2 men... no, 3 men it is, they are walking slowly towards the city. Seems to take quite a long whille in this wind that blows like mad, even syphon has some trouble to stand straight. But he decides to sneak towards the men, wanting to know a bit more, he uses the Binoculars so he can keep a comfitble disstanse. After walking for about five to ten minuts he can see the men. Its Shaka and two other guys thats walking there, but to Syphons despair Shaka seems to be missing a arm, to be exact, the left arm is gone. Syphon takes a risk, knowing Shaka was a good man after all and that they did like each other consithering the conversations they had now and then. After another 20 minutes of walk and partly running he finaly reaches the area were the three men are. He looks up at Shaka and sees that he is several hurt, the arm is missing, he has big claw marks on his body, one is on the chest and one over the face. His arm thats still around seems to be almost out of order and its dripping blood of it. And when we looks up at the face again we see that he is missing several theets as well as its dripping blood there as well. "What happend?!", Syphon quite screams. "I... I...", is all Shaka seems to be avaible to say, and he coughs some blood up. "What about you two, what happend?", he screams at the other mens. They know they have no choise but explaining, consithering they have no weapons and Syphon is the one carrying a rifle with him.

"Yeah, its a long story, lemme beging", one of the mens says.
"It began quite a whille ago, when our gang decided to attack Rerzo, though we were against it, me and Jack. We knew have meet Zerto and Exoclyps ones a whille ago, at the begining of their journy I belive, we weren't much of friends, but not enemies either. We couldn't see any reason to attack his village, so we said no and the gang kicked us out. Shaka he was splited, he was a well lojal man to the gang but he was also a good friend of us. He went with the gang, but promess that he one day would find us again. He did, and I can tell you it wasn't a second to late.", the man named Jeff says. And Syphon takes a closer look at them and sees that they are quite hurt as well, but not nearly as hurt as Shaka is, who just fell to the ground out of pain. Syphon fastly helps him up on his feets, but Shaka is eager to sit down. Syphon lets him do so as he can se Shaka has trouble standing. "Please continue", Syphon says in a nice tone.
"Yeah, as I said, it wasn't a sencond late. We were hunting the wasteland trying to find some food, though we were weak armed and wasn't to prepaired, and we suddenly were facing 5 gecks, one being a gold geck. I can't remember much more after that as I was hit to the ground pretty fast, a wounder we are still alive. Later we woke up in a dark cave, we were stuck there for about a day or so, and suddenly Shaka shows up in the horisont. He was carring a mine of some sort that he were putting up against the gecks, he managed to kill two of em, including the golden one, though he lost his arm in the go as well. But he was hit some before he managed to get the mine to fire of, seeing how hurt he is. The other three runed away from the explosion and we tried to take of and so we managed, though we couldn't go to fast as you see, Shaka is well hurt. And then you came and here we are.", Jeff explains in a voice that shows that he is hurt.
"I see", Syphon says. "Lets head back to the village, there I think we can get you some rest, and we will see what we can do about those wounds". Though he knew that they didn't have much of medical experties in their outpost. They all went back to the outpost. Some of the mens comes and see those who have come and recognice Shaka and starts to feel sorry for him, as he was a good mate to them, even though he was a slave. The men are taking to one of the houses, for the medical care that can be given, not much though.

The days goes by and the next one is about to rise. Not much have happend and not much can be done, everyone is carrying one with their work, though a lil hampered by the knowing of Shaka and whats happend to him. This day goes by as well, not much different from the last one, the workers are about to get done with their jobs, finaly feeling they are done and such. The new day rises and the sun is about to go up, but not that much yet. The sun is quite low, the wind is going slow, people are about to start with their work. And in the horisont of the west there is a man walking, some kind of od man it seems, and you see there is some item close to him, almost looks like its howering, but you know that can't be, right? You feel a bit wierd about this, coz its something with the air as he comes closer, you get more and more sure that its something mystical with this man. After some hours he finaly reaches the borders of the city, though the wall have made him come from the south-easth when entering. The man is standing there, he looks a bit scary and there is clear signs of a long 'venture. Next to him there is some small critter carring a larget coffets on his back. "So thats what made the item look like howering", Syphon thinks. The man carries some kind of cloak wich screams of mould green. His head is quite covered with a hood but you can see his green eyes and scrumpy skin in his face. He is probebly not the youngest man around Syphon guess.

Syphon aprouch the man and says, though a bit scared, "Hi there starnger, who might you be and what do you do here?" The man answers, "My child, call me Xzo. Ive walked a long way from the west, going both south and north I finaly found this city. You seems to be of good caliber, May I ask your name before we continue?"
"Syphon", Syphon responds fast.
"Yes my child, thats it, you're correct. Now lets go on, maybe we go inside?" Though you're a lil scared who this man could be and what he could do, and seeing that he already knew your name you lead him to your office and goes inside with him. You both sit down, and he continues. "Yes, this is a nice house" and he looks around the walls and up the roof "But it miss the magnificents of a real sight, but its understandable." He keeps looking around, and after a lil whille he stares straight into Syphons eyes, keeping up with it until Syphon interupts it with "And what happend? Why did you come here?" Xzo stops stareing and looks around a bit more and then he says, "Yes... yes... my village, once a proud village of the west, its no more. I was the shaman of the village, I toke care of our soldiers, gave them my experties, we won many fights, that would seem doomed in a eye of a outsider. But with my skills they weren't. But one day, they came, mens with big weapons, they killed everyone, it wasn't much we could do about it, they were to many, way to many. Though I managed to get away, it was a easy task for me to survive, though noone else did. Ive wandered days, weeks, over a month, and I finaly came here." He stops and looks around again, now oppening is coffert wich you cant see much into as its from the wrong direction, and he takes out some sort of drink and drinks it. Then he puts the bottle back into his coffert and closes the coffert. And then he starts to talk again, but now his voice have completly changed, to someone that sounds a lot younger, now not a old man ready to die, but a man in the ages of 30 or about, "My child, if you grant me space here, all I need is a small house, and I could use some of the geck pelts you have" but now you get confused, coz there is no way he could have seen those, they were on the other side of the office. "I see you are confused, ahh, the pelts? Well, just say I got a good sense for stuffs okay?" And you have no chooise but accepting that as a answer. "And yeah, Ill need one man, to help me with whatever I need help with. If you grant me this, Ill help your city out, make sure everyone is feeling well, and... No, ive said enough. Its time for you to make your chooise. But bevare, Im my own man and Im not the one to follow someones orders." And with that he stops, he sits quitly and now he has started to stare straight into Syphons eyes again....

(1) The men from before, what will you do about them? And Shaka who is about to die, what about him?

(2) And the man who calls him self Xzo, even though you have some doupts its his real name, how will you stand up to his demands?
As Shaka and his two companions entered the outpost, Syphon called the whole crew together outside of his office. Everyone showed, except Jamal. Derrick, Roger and Keith, all looked tired and abruptly woken up.

Shaka was lying down on the ground, on some bankets that Syphon gathered for him. Shaka was falling out of consciousness, blood rivering from him. His skin was cold to the touch. The whole crew remained silent as they watched Shaka's last moments, a heartaching scene in one's life. When your unable to save someone, you have agony yourself as your watch them in pain.

"Help me", Jamal blurted alertly as he run up to Shaka, getting on his knees, hunched over the dismembered man. He took out a small metal-box, opened it quickly. Inside was five unused hyperdermic needles and transparent-liquid bottles.

"What are you gonna do?", Syphon asked as he stood on, watching Jamal in motion. You could how concerned he was, Jamal has the biggest heart for people. Syphon just smoked his cigarette.

"I'm going to kill him", Jamal said firmly, Shaka made a mild groan. Everyone was shocked and a group gasp could be heard.

"What? Why?", Roger asked, shaking his head.

"He's dying anyway... I'm going to let him go out on a killer trip", Jamal looked back smiling. He seached for the vein, tying a rope around his bicep. He jabbed it in, and pressed down. Shaka suddenly gasped for air and his limbs stiffened. Jamal stood up, and prayed to lord out to let him go in peace. Roger, Keith, Syphon, Derrick all just watched the horrible story unfold. Roger actually looked as though he was gonna cry. Him and Shaka had hungout at night and drunk their troubles away. Now Shaka was fucked and his friend just watched in horror, unable to help.

"Aw... I'm Fuckin' gone...Oh lord!", Shaka slowly closed his eyes. Death. His two companies just kneeled down beside him, covering his face with the bloody-once white sheets.

"Derrick and Keith...", Syphon said as he got their attention,"Go bury him". After that second, he was met with an instant contention from Roger.

"No, I'll do it!", Roger said slowly with sadness in his tone. Syphon nodded. Derrick and Roger quickly picked him up, wrapped in sheets, and took him away behind one of the houses. They had started a cemetary for the outpost.

After that, Jamal, Keith, Syphon and the two new companions all went inside of his office. Syphon brought out a large jug of Burbon. Jamal brought out a smoking pipe, he passed it after hitting it. Xzo, walked in.

"So can I stay?", Xzo said, using some hand gestures. Syphon nodded and flung his hands, for him to leave. It was a depressive time. The group started wildly chuggin booze and taking massive weed hits. Chug. Chug. Hit. Pass. Start over.

After about an hour, they were all drunk as hell. The two men who brought Shaka back remained silent. One of them puked behind the office.
(( Ill do a follow up turn tomorrow, one turn a day, most fair, well, could do more if youd done all =) Well, you should take a look at Xzo's "demands", though this is just a hint, coz he would like that to be filled up before he will be of any use. Dunno if I can say much more, but... you won't regret accepting him))
(( Consithering my last turn ain't a week long, and that Pyro haven't responded yet, Ill make this one just a day or so, just to have something. ))

As the dawn starts to araise, people are starting to wake up. But it takes some extra time for em to wake up as everyone is not feeling to well after last nights drinking. The sun haven't managed to raise so far yet as its still quite early, the wind is howling slowly and its a overall calm day after all. Syphon has just woke up when he hears someone who is knocking on his door. "Who is it?", he asks with the feel of a hangover in his head. "Xzo!", Xzo answers. "Aye, okay, come in", Syphon responds with a insignificant voice. Xzo walks into Syphons office wich seems a lil dirter since last day, maybe its the puke who Syphon didn't manage to clean away totaly, or maybe its just the atmosphere after last nites event. Anyways, whatever the reason is, Xzo is there for his own reason, wich Syphon aren't late to find out as isn't late to Xzo opens his mouth and say. "My child, thank you for leeting me stay, but I can't be of any use as it is now. I need a small house as I stated before. And yes my child, there would be easier if I had a man at my disposal, one that I can take in as my apprentice, Im nearing my last years of my life Im afraid. ", he says with a nice calm voice. Xzo starts to look around a lil, placing his eyes towards the wall wich on the other side has the geck pelts and he says. "Yes my child, you're right, I need some of those pelts as well. But Ive spoken enough for now, I need you to speak, to make the right chooise." And he looks up at Syphon with his scary green eyes and starts to stare straight into Syphons eyes.

(( Ahh, think thats all I can do for now, a small turn, but can't do much more as few other things have moved :P so its fits well in to do this now =) ))
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