FO D2O playtesting

Thought some people here might be interested in signing up to test the possibly-good FO D20.

Week 5 and the developers have produced nearly 100 pages of unedited text, just in the first four chapters (Character Creation, Skills, Feats, and Equipment). Once these four chapters are reviewed, test playing will begin. This will likely start in late August/September and end roughly 4 weeks later. If you have a group interesting in test playing the Fallout PnP d20 submit your group interest to
Oh awesome! Thx for posting this!
I didn't expect for them to have open playtesting.
I wasn't trying to tell these...uh...authors how to write their own material, because I thought the Fallout character system and play style was pretty simple and straightforward, but another small point...

We will be using a dual classless system. There will be two classless option to choose from (aggressive and non-aggressive) that determines Base Attack, Save bonuses, Hit Die, and so on. Backgrounds, Occupations, Race and Tag! determines class skills. All characters get a background and may choose to take a occupation.

Technically, those are classes of Combat and Non-Combat, which ignores the skills in lieu of...really, I have no fucking clue where they're going with this; the backgrounds and occupations are instead what determine the "classes", hence their determination of "class skills". Well, news flash for the d20 team, Fallout is designed to allow you to take combat or non-combat at your leisure, and you can go from a sneak/steal/talk character with Tag! and suddenly have small guns skill. Or sneak/steal/small guns, which is a combination of both. Now how is this retarded "combat and non-combat" bullshit supposed to work along with that?

I foresee a rewrite when they further play through Fallout and learn the character system.

Or learn how to write without contradicting themselves in the same paragraph. Really, they go for classless, and then screw the pooch by putting in some form of classes, with skills that rely on the Character Background (which might as well be labeled "Classes"). Not too fucking bright, when instead you could simply write in a character creation modifier for the stats and race to "determine Base Attack, Save bonuses, Hit Die, and so on." Like REAL classless systems, instead of making a crappy replacement for classes that are essentially classes but without the name. Or they could pay attention to Fallout's system and have the base stats (also determined by race) determine the derived stats. Then there is zero reason for this "combat and non-combat" class bullshit.

This is why I dread covering this, because it looks like they aren't even trying.