FO1, and dealing with the Master

Suicide Candidate

It Wandered In From the Wastes
As far as i know, there are 4 ways of dealing with The Master...

Plain ole killing him

Using the nuke in the basement, never even seeing the ugly himself.

Talking and using Vree's disk to prove that the mutants are unable to reproduce.

Joining him!

I might be raving mad but i seem to recall a way to talking him down WITHOUT having read vree's disk. It had something to do with reading Grey's journal in the Vats and talking about it to the Master. Anyone tried this?
Of course, i might've been blind drunk. Oh well.

Edit because 40!=4
I joined the master once for fun, they made a seperate video for that occasion so I figured what the hell. I'm not sure about reading Dr. Grey's journal in the computer having something to do with the ending. But I know if you read Vree's holodisk and lose it along the way, you can still defeat the master if you have a high enough speech and/or intelligence. You just make him check with his other mutants, then the females to see if they can reproduce. Maybe someone else here can verify the Dr. Grey journal thing. Check out Per's Fallout Guides for an invaluable reference to different approaches to beat the games.
Edge386 said:
I joined the master once for fun, they made a seperate video for that occasion so I figured what the hell.

Is it any different from joining against your will in the Military Base?
No, no differnt if I recall, Per

And to the topic of this thread, If I recall right you can still get the master to back down if you have high enough speach/science skill. But I think you still have to had read the report from Vree and lost it. The master will go and check with female super mutants and find none have got pregnant.

Keep in mind the "If I recall" caveat thiugh.
Per said:
Edge386 said:
I joined the master once for fun, they made a seperate video for that occasion so I figured what the hell.

Is it any different from joining against your will in the Military Base?

Nope, you still struggle...but I never got forced to join before I reached the master and the curiosity was killing me.

Did you recently update your guides Per? I'm thinking I either skipped over some sections or you added more detail in some of the quest/town descriptions. Anyway, your guides kick ass. :ok:
Edge386 said:
Did you recently update your guides Per? I'm thinking I either skipped over some sections or you added more detail in some of the quest/town descriptions.

Depends on when you read them, check the version histories. There are no "hidden" updates between versions. 1.2 is the latest one for Fo2, and I'm working away slowly at an update for the Fo1 guide which should be ready before Xmas.

Edge386 said:
Anyway, your guides kick ass. :ok:

If it's worth doing it's worth doing right etc. :)
Per said:
Depends on when you read them, check the version histories. There are no "hidden" updates between versions. 1.2 is the latest one for Fo2, and I'm working away slowly at an update for the Fo1 guide which should be ready before Xmas.

I'll take a look see at the version history to be sure I just didn't skip anything. I'll wait for that guide update to play Fallout 1 again. :)
What's that "you are hit by 59713" points or what it was when I killed the Master? I thought I won but in fact I just killed myself of some reason
dirtbag said:
What's that "you are hit by 59713" points or what it was when I killed the Master? I thought I won but in fact I just killed myself of some reason
Did the nuke timer run out?
According to Per's guide, the countdown doesn't start until after he dies ("Once the Master dies, the usual countdown starts") so you should have had enough time to get out.
Did you set off the nuke timer prior to fighting him?
Actually, that just takes you to the movie of the cathedral exploding.
I'm baffled.

Did you use too many Super Stims in battle? :?
Big_T_UK said:
Did you use too many Super Stims in battle? :?

That would still take some twenty thousand Super Stuimpacks to have been injected in the exact same instant ;)

Maybe it's some freak "excessive radiation" death?

I've never seen nor heard of such a case. Does this happen right after you kill the Master?
Silencer said:
That would still take some twenty thousand Super Stuimpacks to have been injected in the exact same instant ;)
Good point, I hadn't actually done the maths on that one. It's not that likely that you would need to use that many in one turn.