[FO1] Gamecrash after the Blades vs. Regulator Battle


First time out of the vault

I searched this part of the forum and read the troubleshooting guide, but nothing really seems to help or fit the problem.

The german version is installed, with an uncut-patch for the german version. This patch brings back children and other things who where removed in this version and patches the version up to 1.2. The patch description says that this is an unoffical patch from "TeamX" with Timeslip's Engine Tweak (sfall), which allows you to use the mousewheel.

In the game i am at level 9-10, completed the controlchip quest and killed all the deathclaw and managed to get the weapons for the Blade-invasion.

But after i killed all regulators, the game crashes. The screen freezes every goddamn time. ( yes, even when i am take on the regulators alone this happens )

With me are Ian from Shady Sands and Dogmeat, the annoying little dog. Dogmeat gets killed every time, Ian not.

Before i try to fight all the regulator guys, i steal all their stimpaks and ammonition to get dem down easier.

A lot of the citizen, Jon the mayor, sometimes Smitty ( ;_; ) and this girl who can join you with the black outfit.

I never had problems with this game, only installing it the first time. Tow times in the whole playtime i had this blackout problem , which managed to solve with going to the options and back to the game.

Is this a common bug? How can i fix this? Had anyone the same problem? Is the death of my teammates the reason? Something in the inventory? The patch?! Or the harddrive-space-issue?

I really dont know what to do anymore. I installed the game on my old pc with the same version and went directly to Boneyard, same problems. Argh!
I seem to remember this is related to the script that is supposed to spawn the Blades to help you.

Did you do the Gun Runner quest and do you talk to Jon Zimmerman?
Gun Runner Quest? When its that with the Deathclaws, yes, i cilled Big Momma Deathclaw and her little loved ones.

-Entering Boneyard. Walk around, talk to all the people and end finally at Jon Zimmerman. He would give me 2000$ for killing the leader from the blades.

-Enter the Blade-Base and talk to the leader ( this black dressed woman ) and tell her that Zimmerman send me to kill her. She rages and tells me that someone else killed his son. I agreed to help them, but they need weapons from the gunrunners. ( Didnt get the holodisc she talked about, but well )

-Want to go to the Gunrunner-Place and see the Deathclaws. Kill all of them with Big Mama. Finally arrive and talk to Zack (?) who sells weapons. He gives me a discount. Then i talk to the other heavy armed guy and he whines about the deathclaws, tell him that i killed them all already and he wants to thank me. Request the weapons for the Blades.

-Back at the Blades-Base. Before i fight the regulators, i go back to them and steal their stimpacks, weapons and ammonition to make it easier. Then i go back to the Blades. I agree to help.

-Then I stand in front of the Adytum with the Blades, now suited in green armor and big heavy guns. We start to attack the regulators, some citizens die, Dogmeat dies and then when i kill the last regulator myself or someone els does it, the game freezes.

And thats about it. :?