Well I've seen similar information in FAQ's but I've found some more stuff by poking around that's not meantioned when prodding around with a GCD (or game character data) file. In short getting 4 tag skills at the start of the game.
So I decided to waste a few minutes on a mini-faq on how to cheat rotten.
First grab a hex editor, you can get one here:
Second save a fresh GCD file from the charcter creation screen by using the options button.
Third open up the GCD file in the hex editor, now we can begin.
The information on all the primary stats at the start of the game are stored in the GCD file as 32bit numbers, the lowest part of the number being the forth byte of the word and hence the byte we'll be interested in.
Once you've altered and saved the file you can open it in Fallout and use this charcter to play with.
The primary stats can all be set to 0Ah to give you the maximum 10 at the start of the game
ST - 07h
PE - 0Bh
EN - 0Fh
CH - 13h
IN - 17h
AG - 1Bh
LK - 1Fh
Unfortunately the derived stats, although stored in the file, cannot be altered permenantly. They get recalculated. Shame, a 2 billion pounds carry limit would have been fantasitc
You can alter your age, sex and name too, not much reason to do so through the file but:
Age - 8Bh
Sex - 8Fh (male 00h, female 01h)
Name - 0170h to 017Ah
Finally you can bypass the Tag! perk and have four skills at the start of the game:
Tag Skill 1 - 0193h
Tag Skill 2 - 0197h
Tag Skill 3 - 019Bh
Tag Skill 4 - 019Fh
Starting from 00h as Small Guns count upwards to assign each skill you want.
You can also set your traits if you want but you can only ever have two but for the curious:
Trait 1 - 01A7h
Trait 2 - 01AAh
Again count upwards from 00h to set your traits.
If you've not set anything from the basic setup remember to set the extrenious FF's to 00's otherwise the game will think you're setting stats way out of range.
This should also work in Fallout 2.
Well I've seen similar information in FAQ's but I've found some more stuff by poking around that's not meantioned when prodding around with a GCD (or game character data) file. In short getting 4 tag skills at the start of the game.
So I decided to waste a few minutes on a mini-faq on how to cheat rotten.
First grab a hex editor, you can get one here:
Second save a fresh GCD file from the charcter creation screen by using the options button.
Third open up the GCD file in the hex editor, now we can begin.
The information on all the primary stats at the start of the game are stored in the GCD file as 32bit numbers, the lowest part of the number being the forth byte of the word and hence the byte we'll be interested in.
Once you've altered and saved the file you can open it in Fallout and use this charcter to play with.
The primary stats can all be set to 0Ah to give you the maximum 10 at the start of the game
ST - 07h
PE - 0Bh
EN - 0Fh
CH - 13h
IN - 17h
AG - 1Bh
LK - 1Fh
Unfortunately the derived stats, although stored in the file, cannot be altered permenantly. They get recalculated. Shame, a 2 billion pounds carry limit would have been fantasitc
You can alter your age, sex and name too, not much reason to do so through the file but:
Age - 8Bh
Sex - 8Fh (male 00h, female 01h)
Name - 0170h to 017Ah
Finally you can bypass the Tag! perk and have four skills at the start of the game:
Tag Skill 1 - 0193h
Tag Skill 2 - 0197h
Tag Skill 3 - 019Bh
Tag Skill 4 - 019Fh
Starting from 00h as Small Guns count upwards to assign each skill you want.
You can also set your traits if you want but you can only ever have two but for the curious:
Trait 1 - 01A7h
Trait 2 - 01AAh
Again count upwards from 00h to set your traits.
If you've not set anything from the basic setup remember to set the extrenious FF's to 00's otherwise the game will think you're setting stats way out of range.
This should also work in Fallout 2.