[FO1] More than 255 items in Fallout?


Creator of Fallout Fixt
It seems that the original Fallout doesn't allow more than 255 item types, at least not that I can see.

Does anyone know how to get around this cap? I'm hoping it wouldn't require editing of the exe. :(
255 sounds like the problem is with the variable size (max value you get to put in a byte), so my guess is you are out of luck, and any fix involves editing the exe to use something bigger than a byte (a short should suffice, it allows you to use 65535 item types).
Yeah, my thoughts as well. I bet someone skilled at that kind of stuff could find the reference in the exe but I don't even want to try; that's way beyond my skills.

For the moment I can use unused item entries and merge the holodisk items, which gives me about 20 more slots to work with. :cool: