[FO1] Possible for world to run out of ammo?

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Possible for world to run out of ammo?

Sorry if this is a stupid question, but this is something I just noticed...

I bought some energy packs for my plasma rifle from the Gun Runners (leaving 450 worth of energy packs). I left them and ran around for 5 days and came back. They still had 450!

My question is this:
Is it possible to use up all the ammunition in the game? Do merchants replenish themselves? (never really paid attention to their inventory before).

If the answer is yes. Then I'm going to have to play the game using hammers, cuz I'm using up my energy cells pretty quick!

Heheheh Stupid question I know, but worrisome if it's true.

- Jerky.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

I did another experiment.

I bought all their energy packs and left them for 15 days. When I went back, they didn't have anymore in stock.

So I assume the game is designed so that there is a limited number of energy packs (to keep people from using them all the time). But there is an unlimited amount of slug-ammo to be had (thanks to the Brotherhood).

Is this hypothesis correct? Is there a place in the game where I can get unlimited amounts of energy ammo?

- Jerky.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

I thought the traders should replenish their stocks of ammo after some time, haven't really checked it out.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

>I thought the traders should replenish
>their stocks of ammo after
>some time, haven't really checked
>it out.

You'd think that's true... but the Gun Runners do not seem to replenish their Energy ammo. However, I haven't checked to see if they even replenish basic items.

Besides the Gun Runners, is there anywhere else you can buy energy ammo? Brotherhood and Hub do not seem to stock these items. :(

- Jerky.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

To my knowledge, merchants don't restock anything. It's a way to force you to scrounge and scavange for your stuff. Use different weapons. It's dumb to use your plasma rifle on a rat for example. You can just as easy kill it with your fist or a knife. Energy packs will be available later on in the game when you face super mutants.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

i once made a big guns character that had to change into melee/unarmed because of lack of minigun ammo. maybe i should have killed the mother deathclaw instead of killing her young every 3 hours for 40 days straight :)
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

You can get tons of minigun ammo. 2 good sources are:

- The police in the Hub (having a high steal skill helps).
- The mutants in the military base (they also have a good bit of flamethrower fuel and energy weapon ammo).

Also, I found that rockets worked better on the deathclaws than the minigun. Has the additional nice feature of sometimes knocking them backwards.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-02 AT 09:54PM (GMT)[p]I remember when I played Wasteland back in ... uhhh... 1986, I ran out of ammo then too! I came close to winning that game, but the chainsaw I had was largely ineffective and no more ammo for guns.

I guess Brian Fargo decided to carry-over some of the same gameplay into Fallout.

- Jerky.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

Yeah, I remember hating that. Oh, what a sad sight it was to buy the last clip of 7.62mm ammo from a shop and know they'd never have any more.

Although if you played on a machine with 2 floppies and did the old disk-swapping trick, you could reset areas and get more ammo.

As it relates to Fallout, however (in an attempt to keep on topic for the forum), the designers did a pretty good job of sticking extra ammo on most of the people hanging around... going through the military base and cleaning it out should get you more ammo than you can carry.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

I played a Small Guns char and a single aimed shot to the eyes was good enought to keep a Deathclaw from using its next turn :-)
I like Aimed Shot :-) The Assault Rifle is the best for this job ;-) Oh and a shot or two per turn in the groin aint that bad neither... (best spot to shoot when you are too far away to shoot the eyes) :-)
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

i always found shooting a deathclaw in the eyes was not the smartest idea. mainly because i usually play unarmed characters. whenever i hit them in the eyes they always run away. do you know how hard it is to catch a deathclaw and be able to punch it? the average deathclaw can run a good 10ap. course i do keep a nice alien blaster on hand just in case something like that happens =]
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

I always went for the legs of melee NPC's, it's pretty fun to punch a Deathclaw with 2 crippled legs, walk away and then do it all over again. What's the best is to wait until they have VERY little hp and smack them in the eye with a super sledge. Ahhh, reminds me of road kill on ice.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

Hello, My name is MOTE and ive been away from the forum for a very long time. I just decided to check in and see what people are up to these days, seeing you are asking a question I can answer ill try to give you all the infomation you need to know.

1) The world has unlimated ammo, Shops may regenerate but I dont know, But I do know that walking around the military base will get you an encounter with some mutant patrols. Kill them, loot them, problem solved.

2) As for the melee guy ill tell you a trick, if they run away let them go, wait till combat is over and press A, this will start combat again, walk up to the enemy and stop with 1 ap left. End combat and hit A repeditivly until it starts again, If you do it correctly (its not hard) then you can close in on the enemy without any trouble. Because most of the time you have to be seen by the enemy for a few seconds before they react to your presence. Repeat until dead :-).
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

Chainsaw? Why the hell weren't you using the Proton Axe from the Guardian Citadel?

Sorry, OT.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

I just got the game recently and have been playing it a bit much lately.
I haven't gotten around to testing all of my different merchant theories.

The librarian in the Hub always has new books.

Beth at the weapon shop always has 1453 caps (I think that's the number) when you leave the conversation menu completely and come back to barter.

I'm assuming the drug dealer in old town always has new drugs.

As far as ammo, I haven't tested the theory but I seem to have an answer from reading the other posts.

I know you can never run out of 10mm ammor or .44 ammo since you can find these on raiders in the wastes. As for everything else, I guess just play conservatively.
RE: Possible for world to run out of ammo?

Aimed shots? Phooey. I like fast shot. But anyway. Fighting deathclaws, you need grenades and a combat shotgun. Tho it is fun to not take fast shot, then set one slot to a pistol and the other to unarmed, kick someone in the nads, then shoot them in the head. Haw haw!

Ammo can run out for some weapons, but not for others, I think.
But how can you run out of fusion ammo? I never used much of it.