start up question
I've played through FO2, so I'm not a virgin.. but (with luck) tomorrow
I'll be starting FO1 (if I can *finally* finish this powerpoint presentation
working on) and was curious what you guys thought
about my character concept.
When I first *really* played through FO2 I took the easy way through.. I
a bad ass, yet kindly bitch goddess who could out gun any critter that
happened to slither near her path. Why? I tried the game 2 or 3 times before
that and just found a combat character more fun.. I really just made her
to kick the hell out of the guy at the end of the test of trials (was that
the name
of the first quest?) and then ended up using her all the way to San Fran
I stopped playing.. yes, I plan on doing FO2 again very soon).
I detest this kind of character for the two clichés it held--
Being good and being a fighter.
For FO1 I have decided to try playing a polar opposite of this
character.. but I'm not sure of the best way to do that.
I have two general outlines and will pick one when I start
#1) Jinxed yet lucky thief.. luck will be 10, int and dex will the next two
stats I prize.. all else will be low. My problem with this is I can't
if Jinxed gets counter acted by a high luck, and whether jinxed affects
my skill rolls (like stealth). I intend to avoid as much combat as possible.
#2) Diplomatic sneak.. Luck, int, perception and dex will be my favs..
but I'm not sure in which I will put my focus (luck and int are near the top
of my
tentative list). eventually I'll train in weapons, but in the start I'd like
to tagg non combat
skills. sneak, speech are high on the list.. but I'm caught between pick
(cliche, hence the reason I might want to skip it) and science. Science
is weird because I almost never noticed it get used in FO2.. and, even
I want to handicap myself, I don't want to throw away skill points.. does
come into play in FO1?
I tend to play good character (unselfish) my first time through a game..
but I think I might try being a bit money -power-self hunger . No,
evil doesn't necessarily mean a socipathic killer.
btw- what is different about the game play of FO1 and FO2.. I know
the interface is kinda the same, but what are the minor changes
that might urk me..
just curious.
I've played through FO2, so I'm not a virgin.. but (with luck) tomorrow
I'll be starting FO1 (if I can *finally* finish this powerpoint presentation
working on) and was curious what you guys thought
about my character concept.
When I first *really* played through FO2 I took the easy way through.. I
a bad ass, yet kindly bitch goddess who could out gun any critter that
happened to slither near her path. Why? I tried the game 2 or 3 times before
that and just found a combat character more fun.. I really just made her
to kick the hell out of the guy at the end of the test of trials (was that
the name
of the first quest?) and then ended up using her all the way to San Fran
I stopped playing.. yes, I plan on doing FO2 again very soon).
I detest this kind of character for the two clichés it held--
Being good and being a fighter.
For FO1 I have decided to try playing a polar opposite of this
character.. but I'm not sure of the best way to do that.
I have two general outlines and will pick one when I start
#1) Jinxed yet lucky thief.. luck will be 10, int and dex will the next two
stats I prize.. all else will be low. My problem with this is I can't
if Jinxed gets counter acted by a high luck, and whether jinxed affects
my skill rolls (like stealth). I intend to avoid as much combat as possible.
#2) Diplomatic sneak.. Luck, int, perception and dex will be my favs..
but I'm not sure in which I will put my focus (luck and int are near the top
of my
tentative list). eventually I'll train in weapons, but in the start I'd like
to tagg non combat
skills. sneak, speech are high on the list.. but I'm caught between pick
(cliche, hence the reason I might want to skip it) and science. Science
is weird because I almost never noticed it get used in FO2.. and, even
I want to handicap myself, I don't want to throw away skill points.. does
come into play in FO1?
I tend to play good character (unselfish) my first time through a game..
but I think I might try being a bit money -power-self hunger . No,
evil doesn't necessarily mean a socipathic killer.
btw- what is different about the game play of FO1 and FO2.. I know
the interface is kinda the same, but what are the minor changes
that might urk me..
just curious.