[FO2] Ask me a question

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Ask me a question

I know practically everything there is to know about Fallout 2. If you have a question, come on in and post it up. I check this about once or twice a day, so I suggest you do the same.
RE: Ask me a question

Oh no, it's another wanna-be guru showing off his unproved knowledge to people. Nobody cares, and if they want your help, you had better come to them, not vice versa. I'm going to ask you a few questions that not many people know, to see if you truly know EVERYTHING.

1) When you tell Cassidy to take off his armor, he says, "Good, I'm sweating like a ___ ____ _____"?

2) Sulik came north looking for his lost ______?

3) What is the name of the bath house attendent in Klamath who tells you about Vic?

4) The twin Dunton brother names are _____ and ____?

5) The nickname for the man the Sheriff in Redding wants killed is ____?

6) True or False? If you repair the Auto-Doc in Vault City, the doctor rewards you with $100 and 2 Stimpaks if you have a high enough speech skill?

7) True or False? ______ is hiring the Raiders to attack _____ ____?

8) True or False? If you become a Slaver, and then kill Metzger, you lose your Slaver karma title?

9) True or False? The strength memory module is found in Navarro?

10) True or False? With the Brotherhood of Steel computer in San Francisco, you can get memory modules for every stat except for Charisma and Luck?

Hopefully you can get all 10 right, if you know everything there is to know.
RE: Ask me a question

You couldn't come up with tougher questions???? geez
RE: Ask me a question

Fuck off, bitch. I just wrote those down real quick. You should know better than to put people down and hurt their feelings so you are either a mean jerk who deserves to die or just a fucking moron who also deserves to die.
RE: Ask me a question

Easy little man....no offense intended.....just thought those were a bit too easy for such a guru......that's all....don't show your age/ignorance by talking smack that you wouldn't dare say to my face.....just relax
RE: Ask me a question

Wow their fella, take a chill-pil OK. If you felt insulted, you could have said it differently. The mods don't like these posts.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Ask me a question

FYI, I'm mcuh more older and less ignorant than you. So fuck off and don't piss me off.
RE: Ask me a question

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-01 AT 03:30AM (GMT)[p]I feel so sorry for all you people here at NMA. Let me introduce you to Talps erm... I mean Splat. We recently banned him over at DAC and so he has decided to come over to your forum. He is a very abusive person and I advise that you try and contain him fast. He also likes cheese. He is also a rather large hipocrite, as he demostrated. And if you get him into a fight with someone expect a huge flame war to ensu.

- Stainless
Moderator of DAC
RE: Ask me a question

>FYI, I'm mcuh more older and
>less ignorant than you.
>So fuck off and don't
>piss me off.

You first.


>Fuck off, bitch. I just
>wrote those down real quick.

>so you are either a mean
>jerk who deserves to die
>or just a fucking moron
>who also deserves to die.


>You should know better
>than to put people down
>and hurt their feelings

He's trying to be ironic, right?
RE: Ask me a question

>I feel so sorry for all
>you people here at NMA.
> Let me introduce you
>to Talps erm... I mean
>Splat. We recently banned
>him over at DAC and
>so he has decided to
>come over to your forum.
> He is a very
>abusive person and I advise
>that you try and contain
>him fast.

Well, he can't be a troll, 'cause Fallout is a post-nuclear game. Would that make him something like a gecko, or a mantis? Or perhaps a ghoul crazy?

RE: Ask me a question

Remember that big molerat that was in the bottom of the outhouse in Modoc??? Yeah, that's splat :)
RE: Huh?

well, lets all not be too quick to judge trolls. yes, he seems arrogant be judge not yet ye be judge'd. I was once one quick to gang up on trolls on the combat mission forum, the one day i was annoyed about school and i posted a message about artillery and somebody gave me a completely non-usefull answer and so i told him to either answer properly or shut the fuck up, then suddenly everyone is up and flaming at me behaving as bad or ususally worse than me , i appologised to the guy and i was still banned from the forum and i'm actually a decent kinda person who was just stressed so that my 2 pence worth

incidentally i STILL hate that forum for having a bunch of hipocrits moderating it (i.e one guy once completely shit all over britain (i originally come from australia) and when I was extremely offended and still ina a rage i mentioned vietnam to the american who had shit all over the country i have lived in for5 years, i got an official warning and he had his comment ignored) sometimes the moderators are as buyist-or indeed racist-as their posters
RE: Ask me a question

I have read thath In Sierra army depot its possible to remove the brains off npc how = )
RE: Huh?

99% of humans are corrupt. They are called Norms. Few are like me, the superior ones. Its natural for Norms to deny it, yet the truth is clear to them. Norms degrade the word "human". If everyone was like me, there would bea world of perfect peace and everything would be concentrated on technological advances, going many times faster than today's world with human-related problems slowing it all down.

You're all inferior. Go kill yourself and do the world a favor. I probably won't check this forum for another 4 or 5 months.
RE: Ask me a question

Guys, this is no way to behave on a forum. First off I'm strongly against swear words. There is no offense so great as to need to resort to them, that insead can just be ignored. By the way, I have a question. I'm trying to figure out the exact accuracy formula for guns. I know it involves Weapon skill, perception, range, Armor class, and the amount of light. Beyond that I haven't manage to put together an answer. If any one knows please tell me, or where I can find out.
RE: Huh?

Hmm, sounds a lot like a guy who lived about 60 years ago, called Adolf Hitler. And you know what he did, right ? He killed himself. Makes you wonder, hmmm............


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Ask me a question

Just a suggestion. You might want to post this in an entirely new thread. More people will read it.
As for you question, i don't know. I'm considered to be the resident smart-ass around here, so i know that a lot of people will arch eyebrows now but i just didn't bother to figure it out.
As for as the swear words. I'm not totally against it as long as you don't use them at somebody. To me it's perfectly OK to say that Myron is an asshole but saying that a real person is an asshole is going too far.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Huh?

>You're all inferior. Go kill
>yourself and do the world
>a favor. I probably
>won't check this forum for
>another 4 or 5 months.

You are nobody, goodbye.

If you decide to check back in that time, enjoy the nice redirect to Tubgirl.