FO2 at 1920x1200 - palette issues on cut-scenes


First time out of the vault
I'm using the GOG version of FO2, and I installed killap's unofficial patch and RP 2.1.2b.

I'm using Win7 64-bit, 8GB RAM, Nvidia GTS 460, and a gorgeous 25.5" ASUS monitor at 1920x1200 resolution.

The main game is working fine. However, the cut-scenes have the common palette-corruption problem (as do certain fields in the setup dialogs). Is there any fix for this?? Or do I just have to live with it?? It's not exactly a show-stopper or anything, but it would be nice to see the videos as they were intended...
well, apparently nobody has any ideas about this, but in fact the issues went away the next day!! All the palettes display perfectly now. Very odd.
From the Main menu click the Options button, Click the SCRN button then set Colours to 16bit.
>From the Main menu click the Options button, Click the SCRN button then set Colours to 16bit.

*That was it!!!* That's why the colors suddenly work, I did the Colours change that you suggested, I just forgot about it.