[FO2] Car out of gas INSIDE New Reno; can't get to it :(


First time out of the vault
So I saved up my money and got the fuel regulator or whatever like a good little post-apocalyptic traveler, and found myself the owner of a shiny new car. I don't really like the "ZOOOOM" speed that you drive around at, but that trunk sure is handy. I even stuffed the control chip to the tanker in San Francisco in that trunk, for safe keeping.

So I was driving around like a drunk teenager, kind of just seeing how long the batteries would go until they ran out. Well, they ran out. Inside New Reno. I got out of the car and went about my business.

Fast forward to later. I decide to open up the trunk of my car and get some gear out. Can't.

Right now, there's that little circle that says "Car out of Fuel." It's inside the big "New Reno" circle. If I move my guy over the "Car out of Fuel" circle and hit the Town/World button, it takes me to New Reno. If I move him over it and click the triangle that shows where you are, it takes me to New Reno. I have searched high and low in New Reno and there's no freaking car. It's not stolen, just out of gas, and I can't get to it.

I'm thinking the only way to get around this would be to edit my saved game or something, but I haven't quite figured out how to do that. Anyone have any bright ideas? It's not like I need the JHP ammo stashed in the trunk or anything, but if I can't get the tanker sailing I'm in for a world of hurt.

Thanks in advance.
You would normally be screwed. However, killap says here that he fixed this problem in his unofficial patch. I don't know if it would be possible to apply the specific files involved to a game where this has already happened.
Alright, well, I've got a backup of my saved games, and I can always reinstall if everything goes all pear-shaped. I think I'm ready. Thanks for the advice; I'll try this out now.

Edit: just kidding, the readme says 1.02 games without a previous fan patch don't work. Drat. Thanks for trying :D

I think I'll see if I can find an item/inventory hack thing to give myself the ship chip I need.

Edit the second: looks like I'm good. I replaced my set of lockpics (dunno why I carry them around, I've got electronic ones now) with the errant NAV parts. I'll miss the car, but that's how it goes.
TychoCelchuuu said:
Edit: just kidding, the readme says 1.02 games without a previous fan patch don't work. Drat. Thanks for trying :D

It's not impossible that you can just apply a single file from the patch, though. For instance, if he set the map script for the NR maps to spawn the car if it senses that the car's position on the world map is on top of town, then just putting that script in the right folder might do the trick. He'd have to tell you about the specifics, though.