[FO2] damn car...


Vault Fossil
damn car...

ok ive lost my car, but not in the good old fasion new reno way... i drove to ncr and it asked where i wanted to go so i said council area. after i took care of my business i cant find my damn car.. i assumed it would be at the bazaar but its not. what the hells goin on. please tell me i can get it back. i had the damn geck in there!
RE: damn car...

Is your game patched? If not I had a the same problem. Unpatched my game would randomly place my car in another city if I enetered any city area other then where the car stays parked while you are there. The patch cleared that right up. Most of the time it placed my car at SF.
RE: damn car...

I wouldn't overwrite any saved games if I were you. The car is notorious for its elusiveness, patched or unpatched version. For instance, you don't want to try your luck at the Raiders - I got to replay it once even in the patched version due to some fickle behaviour on the car's part. Best be mindful of your parking spot.


"Sometimes I feel like a magic 8-ball. I just spout random sayings and walk away."

- saboteur
... saboteur@softhome.net
... http://saboteurmusic.cjb.net
RE: damn car...

>For instance, you don't want
>to try your luck at
>the Raiders - I got
>to replay it once even
>in the patched version due
>to some fickle behaviour on
>the car's part.

The thing with the Raiders is that the car will move from the Well to the Cliff if you leave the Well map, but it will always be at the Cliff. Or so I'm 90.5% sure.
