[FO2] Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

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Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

(previous thread Karma Guide)

Since there isn't any evil walkthrough around (I saw WhiteChobo666's but it didn't have anything evil in it. don't know why he called it evil) I guess I'll do one. Toward that end I need some info, I remember reading somewhere there was a way to get an infinite amount of bad karma / xp from blowing up the geko reactor, could somone please post that again?

I'm not as interested in who to kill to get bad karma, I'm more interested in bad karma quests - a more lawfull evil (old d&d refferenc) approach, anyone can be chaotic evil, it takes a sneakier mind for lawfull evil. not to mention child killer is a bit harsh with the bounty hunters after you. I prefer to call it a "fist full of dollars aproach"

I'm finding it difficult to maintain a bad karma though, those damn raiders insist on ending up on the end of my spike, and give me good karma for defending my life. and several things I would have thought would have been bad have accually gained karma for me too: killing flick nets you 5 karma, and each of those loosers you kill to help laura out nets 5 also.

I'll post what it actually looks like so far later
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

Well, here's the one I used for inspiration:


It has tips on the evil stuff you can do, and not just killing everybody you meet. I think blowing the reactor gives about -50 karma. The author of this guide wound up with about -1700 karma. I ended up with a bit less, since I screwed up and missed a few quests. (I missed all the bishop quests, for example, becase the #@#$ kids in the Den stole the briefcase and I didn't realize it until too late)
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

Yes my walkthrough is the lawful-evil one. It has all of the evil quests in it (the ones that give you negative karma). I don't just go and kill all the villagers.

That link above is the link to my walkthrough on gamefaqs.
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

That link doesn't seem to work.

also here's what I've got so far:

bandits: 5 ea
homeless: -1 ea
bramen: 0

Arroyo: you start with 15 karma becoming the chosen one, no way to avoid this without ending the game here
Don't kill anyone here, or the game will end.
Repair the well: 0
Learn to fight: 0
kill plants of dark soul: 0
rescue dog: 5 (don't do this)
flint: 0

Tell Sajag where whisky bob's still is (you have to do this before refuling it): -15
Learn Pugilism: 0
give meat to dog: 0
Help the Duntons with torr (don't kill him): -70
Tell Ms. Buckner about the Duntons: 0
Rescue Torr from robot: +50
Kill rat god: +50
"buy" Sulik: 0 (Warning, get your karma below about -100 and he will leave, sell him)

Talk to Leann: 0
Deliver Smitty's meal for Mom: 10
(becky won't give you her quests with negative karma)
Tell franky about becky's still: 0
Tell Franky to buy from becky: 70
Destroy Becky's still: -50
Gravedigging: 5 per grave
Help Laura's gang: 0 (5 for every gang member you kill. 0 if someone else gets the killing blow)
You can end combat after killing just marc on the outside of the chapel and get paid, then go in and run off after getting attacked letting laura's gang take it all.
Kill Flick: 5 (that's right gain karma for killing this canuk)
Sell Sulik to Slavers: -15
Rescue Vic: 0

Get the Mayor to cut off his pinky: -5
Pick up coins in well: -1 ea.
Give Johny's gun to the Tanner: 0
Help Grisham with wild dogs: (5 per dog)
Doctor up Bess: 5
Sell bess for meat: -5
blow up outhouse: 0
Tell cornelious ferrel stole his watch: -5

Vault City:
Tear Up Mr Nixon: -3
blackmail custom office into giving citizenship: -3
give tools to vicky: 0

Give Supertoolkit to Skeeter: 0
Give 3 step plasma transformer to Skeeter: 0
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

O.k. that one worked, pretty good one. might have been able to do a better job in New reno, but not entirely sure, new reno has always been a bit confusing to me. You may want to put in the infinite bad karma and xp part with blowing up the reactor. (blow up reactor go out of town come back to town map screen and hit 2 on keyboard to enter reactor, when you leave you get xp for blowing it up again.)

Also with the reactor if you give the reactor coolant report to the glowing guy next to the reactor and get out before he actually turns the coolant valve then you get the xp and karma for blowing up the reactor, but the ghouls don't hate you.

A couple other notes: can't do wright family quests with any bad karma, even without child killer, grave digger, or slaver etc. (several posts earlier I read thought you could) And you can be evil without being a child killer (which gets the nasty bounty hunters after your ass) and I would recommend not becoming one, if you want to kill children without that, just lightly tap a child and then wait for a team member to blow them away :) - this also works to avoid bad karma being good.

As another kind of opposite way to play you could play a bloodthirsty good guy, usually i'm a bit carefull about who I kill, but after doing alot of karma watching I've realized just how many evil people are out there you can kill for fun & karma. (Duntons, Trappers, Flick, most of New Reno, etc.) recommend only doing this if you are alone, otherwize your teammates will go berzerk usually killing everyone.
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

O.k. that one worked, pretty good one. might have been able to do a better job in New reno, but not entirely sure, new reno has always been a bit confusing to me. You may want to put in the infinite bad karma and xp part with blowing up the reactor. (blow up reactor go out of town come back to town map screen and hit 2 on keyboard to enter reactor, when you leave you get xp for blowing it up again.)

Also with the reactor if you give the reactor coolant report to the glowing guy next to the reactor and get out before he actually turns the coolant valve then you get the xp and karma for blowing up the reactor, but the ghouls don't hate you.

A couple other notes: can't do wright family quests with any bad karma, even without child killer, grave digger, or slaver etc. (several posts earlier I read thought you could) And you can be evil without being a child killer (which gets the nasty bounty hunters after your ass) and I would recommend not becoming one, if you want to kill children without that, just lightly tap a child and then wait for a team member to blow them away :) - this also works to avoid bad karma being good.

As another kind of opposite way to play you could play a bloodthirsty good guy, usually i'm a bit carefull about who I kill, but after doing alot of karma watching I've realized just how many evil people are out there you can kill for fun & karma. (Duntons, Trappers, Flick, most of New Reno, etc.) recommend only doing this if you are alone, otherwize your teammates will go berzerk usually killing everyone.
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

Actually, the Ghouls DO hate you for that. Trust me. Been there, done that.
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

And just what is wrong with going around shooting everything that moves? Bein a Berzerker amuses the hell outta me. Gotta love those aimed close range head-shots. Watch out kiddies.

Psý¢hø Ädd¡¢t

"I guess I just prefer to see the dark side of things..
The glass is always half empty....and cracked..
And I just cut my lip on it... and chipped a tooth.."
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

You miss out on all the fun evil quests :)

I think it's bogus you can't go to SAD if you are even slightly evil, I think skynet would be the perfect companion for an evil genius!

"Evil Geniuses For a Better Tommarrow"
RE: Evil Karma Guide / Walkthrough

You miss out on all the fun evil quests :)

I think it's bogus you can't go to SAD if you are even slightly evil, I think skynet would be the perfect companion for an evil genius!

"Evil Geniuses For a Better Tommarrow"