[FO2] Help with Character Creation

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Muddy Waters

Help with Character Creation

Hi, I’m new to this forum and would appreciate some help with a new character I want to create. I’m thinking in the lines of a sniper with good secondary skills that could handle most missions in the game.

Something like:
CH-5 (enough for 3 NPCs with the mirrored shades, the CH module comes too late in the game)
LK-7 (after the Zeta scan and the sniper perk should give me 90% criticals)

Traits: small frame and gifted
Tag skills: small guns, doctor and speech.

Perks: 3-Awareness, 6-Pack Rat, 9-Better Criticals, 12-Lifegiver (1), 15-Bonus Rate of Fire, 18&21-Action Boy(2), 24-Sniper and if needed Living Anatomy at level 27

Hey, I never said it would be original.

My doubts are the following:

1 - What % should I get small guns? Is 150% enough or there is a huge noticeable difference with 200%+?

2 - What would be better, INT-8 and PE-9 or the other way around?

3 - I probably will have Cassidy and Sulik as NPC’s, but I’m not sure about the other slot, maybe Vic or even the ghoul (forgot his name)? Marcus is fine, but the fact that he can’t use armor hurts him a lot in the endgame...

4 - About the perks, should I quit one Action Boy level or maybe Pack Rat and go for Living Anatomy earlier?

5 - Any general comment/criticism in the skills, tags, traits, perks etc...

Many thanks to everybody that read this far
RE: Help with Character Creation

>Hey, Per, I am marketing for you again! :D
>Muddy Waters(do you like jazz?),all your character
>questions can be answered here:
>have fun.

Hey, thanks for the tip, I already looked at the guide and it is really great. Anyway, any extra input will be welcomed...

PS:you asked about jazz, I like it, but to be true I'm more of a blues fan.
RE: Help with Character Creation

Per's suggestions on character creation is pretty good, but there are a few others worth looking at.

It's been awhile since I played but is it possible to save Perks? If so you might want to save Perks till later in the game, when you get the better ones.

RE: Help with Character Creation

>Per's suggestions on character creation is pretty good, but
>there are a few others worth looking at.
>It's been awhile since I played but is it possible to save
>Perks? If so you might want to save Perks till later in the
>game, when you get the better ones.

About the perks, that is in fact a good question, I know that you can just push the cancel button when the perks menu appears and the next time you get to the character screen you will have the perks menu once again. But I don't know if you get to other perk level if you can choose two then...
RE: Help with Character Creation

>It's been awhile since I played but is it possible to save

Nope. Gotta pick a perk for level 6 (which is usually the only level where there's no obvious choice, at least not if one thinks Quick Pockets is cheesy).

RE: Help with Character Creation

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-09-03 AT 04:17AM (GMT)]You could use Bruiser to counter Small Frame, and that will make a interesting game. Taking Gifted is kinda pointless, because you don't really need some of your stats to be so high at begining. That takes the fun out of the leveling up, and getting upgrades for yourself. AGL doesn't really need to be 10 to start. There are many perks to help you with that. And having stats this high at begining makes life a bitch at later part of the game, because it takes a lot more to get your skills up there. END could be 5, since that extra couple HP may save your butt when you don't have enough NPCs or nice guns. You can not reall be a sniper unless you are at least 1/3 of ways through the game, so you have to take that into consideration. You can't get the scoped hunting rifle until you get to VC or Gekko. And before that all you can get are handguns and burst SMGs. A PER of 7 is good enough to get you the sniper perk, and you can get surgery and a perk to boost it. Don't tag Doctor, because it's not worth it. You only need it to be 75% at a certain location. And by that time I usually have more stims than I know what to do with.

I'll give more when I think of something. :)
RE: Help with Character Creation

Just one small suggestion.
You asked about Int and Preception...

I think you should give Int 9 and pr 8.
If you switch one of the perks (pack rat for example) with sharpshooter you'll get 10 in the check.
The extra point in the Int will give you a lot of skill points in the long run, which are very useful.
Also, with an higher Int you'll get a few other quest options in the game.
RE: Help with Character Creation

>If you switch one of the perks (pack rat for example) with
>sharpshooter you'll get 10 in the check.

Sadly Sharpshooter doesn't work like that, at least not for me. Raising PE by 1 will raise your chance to hit more than one level of Sharpshooter.

RE: Help with Character Creation

Thanks for the advice guys, really appreciated.

I went for basicaly the character I described in the original message, with a couple of modifications: I went from PE 9 to 8 and INT 8 to 9. Also I tagged lockpick instead of Doctor. In the end I think I will have a kind of diplomat sniper...

I am making all right this far, my character just arrived to Modoc: he just got a hunting rifle that a good highwaymen group gently "gave" to him. He also has a Magnum that he bought in the Den.

Main doubts at this point:
#1 - Which % to target for small guns? Would 150% be enough?

#2 - Considering I have PE 8, which perk would be better? Sharpshooter or gain perception?

#3 - Vic would be a good choice for a third NPC?(Cassidy and Sulik being the other two)

Many thanks once again and please don't mind my poor english, I'm not a native speaker.
RE: Help with Character Creation

I think Per just answered your quesiton. Sharpshooter is rather pointless because of a screw up in the game. I really doubt you need PER of 10 to snipe everything to death twice. This isn't a numbers' game. Even with a best of everything, you still only have 95% to hit anyone. I've missed a centaur in point-blank range(Right next to me)using burst and aimed shots. I was using one of my character that can kill Enclave soldiers in one aimed shot. When you reach a certain levels in skills, it's kinda pointless to led it go any higher, unless you have nowhere else to put it. NPCs are chosen with personal perference. I personally like Skynet, and Goris, even though they are not popular characters. I rarely bother with Vic once I find someone more suitable for my needs, esp. since I triggered his stupid personality bug several times.
RE: Help with Character Creation

[updated:LAST EDITED ON Mar-11-03 AT 01:15PM (GMT)]Sharpshooter or gain pr?
Yes, gain pr is better because of what per said but you don't have to take any of them.
You can just take magentic personality or something else instead.

150% In small arms with a pr of 8 is enough to take out enclavers.

You should take Vic along with you as long as there is nothing better around.
RE: Help with Character Creation

Thanks once again to everybody. I think I will be able to create a better character with all the advice I got here.

Also it will have a diferent feel from my last one, a heavy weapons guy with fast shot. Amazing powefull with the Bozar in one hand and with the gauss pistolin the other. Two bursts of the Bozar to weaken (most like kill)the oposition then one or two pistol shots to finish them. Clearing Navarro and the Enclave Oil Rig was amazing easy...

RE: Help with Character Creation

Funny but I had the same idea...

I usually tag Energy Weapons from the beginning and leave the big guns to Marcus, but he can use energy weapons (and seems to prefer to) and besides the obvious no armor disadvantage his use of big guns is also severely harmed by that universal truth about artificial intelligence in computer programming. That's not to blame the FO2 programmers because this happens in just about every computer game, and especially in CRPGs. In short, computer AI means that Marcus sucks at using huge weapons because he will invariably hit his own allies - I can't count the number of times he's painted the walls with the brains of especially Vic or some other ally (well, I can but I don't really care to...).

Instead I've considered tagging big guns in a new game because I'd rather have my own character using rocket-launchers and mini-guns for the same reason I always play the 'wizard-guy' in those fantasy games, namely that it sucks when the group wizard (AKA, the 'artillery') hits his allies with his fireball/plasma-rain/napalm-blast *again*! :(

In FO and FO2 this is worse because you have no control over your NPCs. On the other hand, I've started to wonder what happens if you tag big guns and up it completely. Has anyone here tried that? I mean, what happens if you use rocket launchers with 150%+ big guns, Luck 9+, and Sniper? I don't care what they say - that's *got* to hurt!!! :D
RE: Help with Character Creation

Well, my heavy weapons character had luck 8 after the hubologists zetascan, like 160% big guns and sniper. He was a killing machine. Sometimes I was able to kill 3 light-armoured enemies with only one Bozar shot. Killing the enclave soldiers never was so easy, I didn't die at all either in Navarro and in the Oil rig and I cleansed it all. I killed Frank on my own, without turrets or Sarge Granite help in like four or five rounds. I really didn't use the rocket launcher, flametrhower or the miniguns though. Why? Because I love the Bozar! :D

Seriously talking it is totally overpowered. You can find it early in the game (soldiers in NCR or gun shop at New Reno, after you become a made man), the bullets are probably the most commom kind you will find and it is good until the end of the game. But I really suggest to use it along fast shot, because of the obvious reasons (burst only weapon)...

My new character will be played in a diferent pace. A more "refined" approach...
RE: Help with Character Creation

Oddly enough, I've played the game through dozens of times, and I always just take out the Hubologists after I first get inside and after talking to AHS 7. I never bother getting a zetascan, I just open doors and then start popping off everybody in the hubologist compound. I discovered a long time ago that this keeps my luck from losing a point. (Just call me old-fashioned, I zap the hubbies and then get the fuel to the tanker.)
RE: Help with Character Creation

>Oddly enough, I've played the game through dozens of times,
>and I always just take out the Hubologists after I first get
>inside and after talking to AHS 7. I never bother getting a
>zetascan, I just open doors and then start popping off
>everybody in the hubologist compound. I discovered a long
>time ago that this keeps my luck from losing a point. (Just
>call me old-fashioned, I zap the hubbies and then get the
>fuel to the tanker.)

I usually take the zetascan way back in NCR. The Zeta in NCR can raise your luck by two points or reduce it for one point. The Zeta in hubologists basis in San Fran can raise your INT and luck by one each or reduce your luck by one. If you will get a good or a bad effect seems to be rendom, so I just save before trying it. You can't take both scans, so I choose the NCR one, because it comes earlier in the game and "works" more game time than the San Fran one...