[FO2] Hey guys

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Hey guys

Heya. I don't know if any of you guys remember me, i think some of the old-timers here will, but i was here a lot early 2000, and i'm droppin in to say hi to everyone. I feel so damned stupid cause i can't remember all this stuff anymore.. I used to go through and answer every signle post since i logged off the last time, and i used to know everything. *sigh* now i have a life. It sucks. So, how is everyone? How's NMA holding up? Good? Bad? Eh. I am probably gonna be flamed for posting this in the strategy forum and i should be, i don't even know why i'm posting this. Just bored, i guess.

And hey, if anyone here plays Starcraft and you ever want a game, my name on bnet is MatriX(SR), message me sometime.
RE: Hey guys

for what its worth, i remember lookin at posts from you a long time ago, but i doubt u remember any of mine from back then
RE: Hey guys

>Heya. I don't know if any
>of you guys remember me,
>i think some of the
>old-timers here will, but i
>was here a lot early
>2000, and i'm droppin in
>to say hi to everyone.

Hey Matrix. Good to see you back :-)

>I feel so damned stupid
>cause i can't remember all
>this stuff anymore.. I used
>to go through and answer
>every signle post since i
>logged off the last time,
>and i used to know
>everything. *sigh* now i have
>a life. It sucks.

We all get a little rusty. I haven't played FO2 in ages and eventhough I'm a selfproclaimed fallout guru I answer questions wrong sometimes. As for a life... I have a semilife I guess. A day job, but I still spend my nights in front of the comp. What can I say, I'm a nerd :-D

>how is everyone? How's NMA
>holding up? Good? Bad? Eh.
>I am probably gonna be
>flamed for posting this in
>the strategy forum and i
>should be, i don't even
>know why i'm posting this.
>Just bored, i guess.

NMA is going well. We get a lot of new posters since Fallout Tactics is out. Unfortunately some of them have no clue what Fallout really is about. I won't flame you for posting this in the wrong forum. Just don't make a habit of it :-)

>And hey, if anyone here plays
>Starcraft and you ever want
>a game, my name on
>bnet is MatriX(SR), message me

Hmh, I don't play Starcraft. RTS isn't really my cup of tea. But thanx for the offer :-)


"The best trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist."