High Levels...
What is your usual high level when you finish the game? I've played dozens of times, but only actually finished once. The problem is I've played so many different ways that the quests all seem boring, so I skip most of them... and I never get any of the NPCs, or I get them and immediatly sell them into slavery. The time I actually decided to beat the game I did it at... I think it was level 10. So what level are you when you finish usually, and what do you do to keep it ineresting? After about four hours into a game I suddenly want to start a new character and do things one of the other ways... anyone else have this problem?
What is your usual high level when you finish the game? I've played dozens of times, but only actually finished once. The problem is I've played so many different ways that the quests all seem boring, so I skip most of them... and I never get any of the NPCs, or I get them and immediatly sell them into slavery. The time I actually decided to beat the game I did it at... I think it was level 10. So what level are you when you finish usually, and what do you do to keep it ineresting? After about four hours into a game I suddenly want to start a new character and do things one of the other ways... anyone else have this problem?