FO2 High-Resolution Patch Help


First time out of the vault
Hi, I have a small problem with the patch. When I try to adjust the resolution, the screen shrinks to an unplayable size. Any help fixing this would be great.
CrippledPizza15 said:
Hi, I have a small problem with the patch. When I try to adjust the resolution, the screen shrinks to an unplayable size. Any help fixing this would be great.

Try to set resolution in cfg file before running the game.
How exactly would I do that? I tried to change the resolution in the configuration settings file, and it still shrank. Is that what you meant?
The size of the .exe is 1162 KB. Oddly enough, the only screen that doesn't shrink is the main menu. Cutscenes also fill the entire screen. I also tried changing the game to dx9 fullscreen via the ddraw file, but that didn't work either.
The filesize looks like you use Fallout2 v1.2 US (or TeamX) so it is supported by Resolution Patch.

Did you read f2_res_readme.rtf inluded in Resolution Patch? There are described solutions for your problems.
Thanks for the help, i finally got it to work. i booted it up in desperate hope, and was surprised to see it run in full screen. Dialogue boxes are still small, but the game works and is great.