RE: Is there any way to break FO2's 13 years limit?
[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-02 AT 00:01AM (GMT)[p]
Here is my character's statistics.Because my FO2 is Traditional Chinese version,I try to translate it into English.Some details like special reputation may be ignored.
23 July 2254 0237
Name: None Age: 37 Gender: Male
Level: 70 Exp: 2,453,999 Next Level: 2,485,000
Strength: 10 HP: 720/720 Sequence: 10
Perception: 07 Armor Class: 050 Healing Rate: 04
Endurance: 07 Action Points: 10 Critical Chance: 033%
Charisma: 01 Melee Dmg: 05 Carry Weight: 275 lbs.
Intelligence: 10 Damage Resistance: 069%
Agility: 10 Radiation Resistance: 089%
Luck: 08 Poison Resistance: 035%
Bonus HtH Attacks
Bonus Rate of Fire
Faster Healing
More Criticals (3)
Action Boy (2)
Lifegiver (2)
Pathfinder (2)
Swift Learner(3)
Dermal Impact Armor
Dermal Impact Asslt. Enhance
Phoenix Armor Implants
Phoenix Assault Enhancement
Gain Perception
Gain Endurance
Gain Intelligence
Gain Luck
Karma: -7741 (Demon Spawn)
:::Reputation :::
:p(Kill too many people)
::: Skills :::::::::::: ::::::::: Kills:::
Small Guns..........223% Men............1710
Big Guns ...........122% Women ..........914
Energy Weapons .....191% Children........042
Unarmed.............160% Super Mutants ..073
Melee Weapons ......206% Ghoul ..........035
Throwing ...........105% Brahmins .......211
First Aid ..........103% Radscorpions ...607
Doctor..............067% Rats............673
Sneak...............107% Floaters .......115
Lockpick ...........077% Centaurs .......121
Steal...............071% Robots .........103
Traps...............077% Dogs............493
Science.............105% Manti ..........191
Repair..............091% DeathClaws .....770
Speech..............074% Plants .........142
Barter..............071% Geckos..........819
Gambling............116% Aliens .........193
Outdoorsman ........098% Giant Ants .....079
::: Items :::
1x Trapper Town Key 1x Tool 1x Tanker Fob
1x Vertibird Plans 1x Stables ID Badge 1x Note from Francis
1x Rope 7x Rad-X 1x Doctor's Papers
45x Plant Spike 2x Pocket Lint 10x RadAway
543,058x Money 34x Stimpak 27x Xander Root
1x Heart Pills 23x Broc Flower 1x Expanded Lockpick Set
2x 2mm EC 1x Electronic Lockpick MKII 1x Mutagenic Serum
1x Vault 15 Computer Parts 1x Shovel 1x Solar Scorcher
1x Antidote 1x G.E.C.K. 1x Ball Gag
1x Presidential Access Key 3x Buffout 1x Micro Fusion Cell
1x M72 Gauss Rifle 1x Plastic Explosives 1x Bio Med Gel
1x Dynamite 1x Super Sledge 1x YK42B Pulse Rifle
1x Adv. Power Armor MKII
Total Weight: 155 lbs.