FO2 'Item size'


Vault Senior Citizen
I searched but found nothing on this topic so i thought i'd throw it out there :

In the official FO2 mapper there are values for an items weight and size. We know what weight does, but what about size? Is it implemented? if so what restrictions does it impose?
I know two(the only two, I think) of the things it affects:

1: The more the size of an item, the harder is it for steal - the Pickpocket(I think)perk removes this(I think it treats all as 0-sized items).

2: It affects how much space does an item takes in the car trunk - you may have noticed that it always has room for ammo - it's because ammunition has 0 size.
Blackened said:
2: It affects how much space does an item takes in the car trunk - you may have noticed that it always has room for ammo - it's because ammunition has 0 size.

Hmm. interesting. I wonder if it would be possible to set the players inventory to be affected by the size limitation in the same way as the car-trunk, to make it less possible to lug around 5 vinidicator miniguns .... (which i always thought was a bit silly)
I sincerely doubt that, as I believe the inventory is handled in the engine. I'm not sure if it's even counted as a "container" object (in which case it might be possible). But I could be wrong.
Magnus said:
I sincerely doubt that, as I believe the inventory is handled in the engine. I'm not sure if it's even counted as a "container" object (in which case it might be possible). But I could be wrong.

Hmmm. Can anyone confirm this?

I was thinking that if this doesn't work, i'd like to make a simple little mod that just reduces all carry weights by 50% (PC and NPC's)

Is it possible to change this?
Playing with weight should be done with the item .pro files.

For example in my mod I changed weight values of items to make it slightly more difficult to be a pack rat early in the game.

But what I really think would be better is to find a way to modify is how size affects the player/npc inventory. Considering if the player or npc is super strong they should rightfully be able to carry a lot of weight, but the more that is carried of a large size should increase the difficulty of carrying too much, regargless if you are not at the max carry weight.

So if some kind of calculation could be introduced where limits were imposed on the number of items of a certain sizes that could be carried in relation to the max carry weight possible, then I think things would really get interesting.
Glovz said:
Playing with weight should be done with the item .pro files.

For example in my mod I changed weight values of items to make it slightly more difficult to be a pack rat early in the game.

Oh, good thinking. But i was thinking it would be easier to reduce the amount Player/NPC's can carry rather than edtiting hundreds of item protos. But a good back-up solution nevertheless.

Glovz said:
But what I really think would be better is to find a way to modify is how size affects the player/npc inventory. Considering if the player or npc is super strong they should rightfully be able to carry a lot of weight, but the more that is carried of a large size should increase the difficulty of carrying too much, regargless if you are not at the max carry weight.

So if some kind of calculation could be introduced where limits were imposed on the number of items of a certain sizes that could be carried in relation to the max carry weight possible, then I think things would really get interesting.

Exactly what i was thinking. Any idea how to do it?

Just to get a general picture, is anyone in favour of the idea of being able to carry significantly less (NPC mules included) in FO2?

In my experience, players generally want to be able to carry as much gear as they want, and consider anything less an 'inconvenience' to their gaming experience. But i would say it's far more realistic (and therefore immersive and challenging) if the player had practical limitations on how much loot they can carry.

I would argue it's quite possible for a human to physically carry the weight of a minigun (especially a strong one) but the bulk of the item would make it cumbersome to carry long distances. The bulk of 2 or 3 miniguns would be impossible, for even the stongest human, IMO.
Now that we have some engine masters amongst us, i want to gravedig this thread to ask if we can get to the bottom of this issue.

Here's my question again:

Josan12 said:
In the official FO2 mapper there are values for an items weight and size. We know what weight does, but what about size? Is it implemented? if so what restrictions does it impose?

It seems likely that the players inventory is NOT affected by item size. But the car trunk IS. I presume this is because the car trunk is a container, and has a max carry size in its proto.
Is it possible via engine magic to place a limit on the amount of SIZE (not weight) the players inven can hold?
Josan12 said:
It seems likely that the players inventory is NOT affected by item size. But the car trunk IS. I presume this is because the car trunk is a container, and has a max carry size in its proto. Is it possible via engine magic to place a limit on the amount of SIZE (not weight) the players inven can hold?

Couldn’t it be tied in to the way strength affects the player ability to carry weight…the stronger the more size/amount etc…
